Hi Nico Kadel-Garcia!

 On 2012.03.30 at 22:34:37 -0400, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote next:

> > I haven't, but just wanted to say that both VirtualBox and VMWare Player
> > run fine under SL6.0, and provide a much better user experience than KVM.
> > I've run XP and and W7 with no issues using VBox and VMWare.
> >
> KVM has allegedly gotten better, and with the direct support of our
> favorite upstream vendor it may be a workable enterprise solution. But I
> still find that the built-in management tools for it were designed by
> monkeys actually trying to write Hamlet.

I didn't try W8 preview, but earlier W8 beta installed and worked just
fine under KVM in SL6.1, without any problems. I picked Windows 7 in
virt-manager during installation.



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