>I won't have time to mess with it for at least a few days (maybe a week?) 
>bother me about it early next week and I'll give it another look. Hopefully
>the build can be simplified.

All I can say and do is thank you and I'll poke around to see if I can get 
esc rebuilt. If I'm successful, I'll post results, otherwise, no update = 
no success.

>And anyway I'm impressed that you went so far as setting up a build
>environment and really getting under the problem before posting to the 
>If only more bug reports and help requests were submitted by such motivated
>people! This alone is what interests me in giving you a hand.

I'm glad you said this, I was afraid that I didn't provide enough info.
If I'm asking for help, I'll do what I can to help someone help me.

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