Hi Carl,
please go here:

This is not a wiki but similarly in-line to your search:

a little deep into yum and rpm

I hope this helps.


On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Carl Friedberg <friedb...@comets.com>wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've just started out with Sceintific Linux 6.2
> I have a question: how do I register for the scientificlinux.org website
> (a link, please)? I can see where to log in, but there's no link there for
> those (like me) who need an account.
> Another question: Is there a Scientific Linux wiki? I had no luck in my
> search for one.
> There's a broken link on the YUM FAQ page:
> https://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/faq/yum.apt.repo
> The link --   Yum Wiki (end of answer to the first question:
> http://wiki.linux.duke.edu/Yum
> is broken.
> Thanks,
> Carl Friedberg
> www.about.me/carl.friedberg
> friedb...@comets.com
> www.comets.com
> Problems Solved
  • new user Carl Friedberg
    • Re: new user Tam Nguyen

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