On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Adam Bishop <adam.bis...@ja.net> wrote:
> I've done this before, but in a slightly interesting way. Unfortunately, I 
> did not make detailed notes so I can't tell you the exact commands I used.
> Approximate sequence:
> 0) Back up everything you value, and make an install DVD with a kickstart 
> file that enables installation over SSH or VNC

That "Back up everything you value" part means "put it somehwere else
that is now read-only, such as some space on another machine". It's
one of the single most important steps.

> 1) Disable the old OS's swap partition
> 2) DD the install DVD to the former swap partition

I'm going to be *really surpised* if you've got a swap space big
enough for a 4.7 Gig DVD image.

> 3) Configure grub to chainload the installation image

Can you get or enable remote console access for your VPS? Most setups
will allow this, and some even have hooks to allow you to mount a
CD/DVD from your desktop over the network. If you install SL this way,
make sure to use the network repositories, not the CD/DVD image. It
will be *much, much faster*.

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