On 07/16/2012 09:59 AM, eigenroot wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am wondering if anyone here use HFSS on Linux. After installation in my 
Scientific Linux 6 x86_64, there were errors when I launched this program:

### Warning: Unable to determine Red Hat Enterprise Linux version number.

              Currently-supported Linux versions include:
              - Red Hat Enterprise Linux v4 and v5 (both 64-bit PC)
              - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11 (both 64-bit PC)
HFSS 14.0 Product Configuration

Running first-time configuration...
   - Verifying all software dependencies are available: ERROR

* The following dependencies were not found:

Full ldd output is available at: /tmp/in1xMQLcA9.Ansoft.Dependencies.log

*** Error: Not all dependencies were found. ***

But I did have packages bzip2-libs and bzip2-devel installed. A "locate 
libbz2.so.1" gave


If looking into the log file, "cat /tmp/in1xMQLcA9.Ansoft.Dependencies.log | grep 
libbz2.so.1" gave

libbz2.so.1 => /lib64/libbz2.so.1 (0x00007f307df33000)
libbz2.so.1 => not found

I also tried "ln -s /lib64/libbz2.so.1 /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1", but HFSS still 
couldn't find the library.

Can anyone give some hints? Thanks~!

With regards to the unsupported OS, I made this quick hack:

diff -u VerifyOS.bash{.fcs,}
--- VerifyOS.bash.fcs   2010-08-09 15:00:00.000000000 -0400
+++ VerifyOS.bash       2012-01-26 15:50:41.077203736 -0500
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
while read line ; do
          case "${line}" in
-          *[rR]ed' '[hH]at*)
+          *[rR]ed' '[hH]at*|*CentOS*|*Scientific*)
              # Version is the word that comes after "release"
              unset getversion
              for word in ${line} ; do

While hfss 14 claims to be a 64-bit software, I had issues installing on a "64-bit 
clean" 5.x system that went away after installing the 32-bit version: 
bzip2-libs-1.0.3-6.el5_5.i386, but it looks like you've already got the 32-bit versions 
on your SL6 system, so I'm not sure what to suggest, sorry.  Does it actually error out 
or can you continue?

On Jan 26, 2012 they created SR 1177145220 for me on this issue -- "An Email was 
sent to development and I am currently awaiting their response."  Never heard back 
(and once I figured out just the 32-bit libs were needed, I moved on).

Their software is scary; seems to use wine to handle a lot of their "porting" 
of their Windows code to Linux, using ancient versions of IE and windows help system.  
Ugh.  But our scientists get good stuff out of it...

If you pay this much for software & support, they should deliver more.  Hassle 

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