> to myself in private. Do *not* send it to this mailing list unless your
> message is specifically about Scientific Linux. Please do not start a

Firstly, I don't really like being told where I can and can't post. If the 
discussion is off-topic, then so is the topic IMHO.

Anyway, I don't really see the point of the blog post. All three 'clones' are 
what they are so there will be delay. It's the nature of the beast.

I am not a member of the scientific community, so I am free to choose the 
distribution that suits based on its merits. I do not use a clone as a bastion 
host for security reasons. Otherwise I choose SL based on my perception of the 
robustness distribution's support infrastructure. So far, I have been very 
impressed even if they are not "first out the door".

My 2p.

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