Hi Urs,

Thanks for the hints.

>Since you have replace kernel with kernel-ml-NONPAE in
sl6rolling-live-base.ks, I guess that an other package requires "kernel".

And the package "kernel" is
>installed as dependency.
>The following command (run on the LiveDVD) may give some hints:
>rpm -qa | while read rpm; do rpm -q --requires $rpm | grep "^kernel " &a
echo "*** $rpm ***"; done

Correct.  There are several packages - a couple of xorg-x11 drivers, fuse

and a few others - that require "kernel".

>Furthermore, does the rpm kernel-ml-NONPAE provides "kernel"?
>rpm -q -provides kernel-ml-NONPAE
>If this is the case, kernel should not be installed as dependency...?

Yes, kernel-ml-NONPAE does provide
kernel = 3.5.3-1.el6.elrepo

The "requires" are all for kernel >= 2.xxxx

So is it just an ordering problem?  If kernel-ml-NONPAE had been installe
before the other packages, would they still have pulled in the other kern

>2. Edit boot menu
>The boot menu is customized in sl6rolling-live-base.ks. Look for the scr
/root/postnochroot-install. In fact $LIVE_ROOT/isolinux/isolinux.cfg is c
>Have a look at /isolinux/isolinux.cfg on your LiveDVD. It should be
possible to remove all boot entries for "kernel" in /isolinux/isolinux.cf
with the help of
>some "magic" sed-commands in /root/postnochroot-install.

I'll have to study that.

>BTW. if we (you) get the this working, I will try to add it to the SL Li
kickstart files as an option....

Good, I think there are others who would use it as well.

Stephen Isard

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