On 12/11/12 22:14, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 08:14:41AM -0600, Robert Blair wrote:
>> I have a system that failed to boot after the most recent kernel update.
>>  It took a while, but I eventually traced it to the initramfs not having
>> raid1 included.  I had to manually do a "mkinitrd --preload raid1" ...
>> ... dracut-004-283.el6.noarch
> All are invited to inspect the mdadm-related code in dracut.
> Instead of running "mdadm -As" and hoping for the best, there is a maze of 
> twisty
> write-only shell scripts to do who knows what (there is no documentation 
> whatsoever)
> and they seem to get things wrong as often as they get them right.
> People who develop that kind of stuff and push it on us as "improvements" 
> should have
> their heads inspected. (Insult intended).

I've been uncertain if I should respond to this mail or not.  But I
struggle to let such rants pass when I think this is a really an unfair

I will not respond to the technical solutions chosen by upstream
communities or projects (mdadm, dracut, etc).  But I do react to your
claim which sounds like you think the upstream developers are clueless
and don't care about what they do.  In addition you do this on a mailing
list which is not directly related to the upstream components which you

All the code in this Enterprise Linux distro comes from an open source
upstream source.  There are usually upstream communities to discuss
things with.  And there are communities where you can provide patches
fixing things you find not being in a good shape.  Insightful feedback
is always appreciated.  Using the proper channels to provide feedback
and patches can at least result in something fruitful.  Like improving


Throwing out such trash which you did will definitely not improve
anything.  Upstream developers do really deserve better treatment from
us - no matter what we think of their work.  And especially if they
don't hang around on this mailing list to respond to such (intended)

So please, can we try to lift these discussions from throwing dirt
behind peoples back to rather provide useful feedback on the right
places?  Thank you!

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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