On 14/11/12 10:58, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
> On 11/13/2012 08:57 PM, Andrew Z wrote:
>> hello,
>>   is there an alternative for ( lots of grumpy swearing omitted ) flash
>> plugin in FF? with the latest x86 release the HD videos in
>> full-screen a crashing.
>> [bitching on]
>>   first i deal with an invasion of Avatars - "the blue people" and now
>> $$$ thing won't even play for longer than 4 minutes in full screen
>> [bitching off]
> Hi Andrew,
>    Oh good.  I get to help someone for a change.
>    The recent Flash player is a DISASTER.  Can't seem to get
> anyone to fix it either.
>    Back off to flash-plugin-
> (or 32 bit, if that's what you are running) and turn off auto
> updates.
> http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/dag/RPMS/flash-plugin-
> # rpm -e flash-plugin
> # rpm -ivh flash-plugin-

Seriously, what's wrong with using the official Adobe Flash player?  I
see you're using one from the rpmforge/fusion repo.

1.  Go here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
2.  Select "YUM for Linux" and click download.
3.  Install that RPM
4.  as root: yum erase flash-*
5.  Disable all those extra elrepo, atrpms, rpmfusion/rpmforge
    repositories (look inside the files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ )
5.  as root: yum install flash-plugin
6.  Enjoy a more reliable flash.

This way you get no 32bit nonsense on 64bit installations.  And you get
something which works quite more reliable.  I'm using the Adobe Flash
player (64bit) on a couple of my private laptops.  And I'm watching
fullscreen TV broadcasts in hi quality resolution (3.5Mbit/s streams)
scaled up to my 1920x1200 display ... and if there are issues, that's
been related to not getting the needed bandwidth.

I've mostly had just troubles with those additional repos, so I only
enable them when it's needed.  Otherwise, SL repos + EPEL repos gives a
really stable and reliable systems  At least, that's been my experience.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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