You're using most of your swap.  Note below the Xorg server is 3.1G resident; 
that's big (and something's leaking), log out and log back in to free it up.  
plugin-container is obviously an issue too.  I've had firefox open since Nov8 
(6 days), with some views to Flash sites/youtube, and I'm about 1.6G VIRT, 
687MB RES.   So while your firefox size isn't small, it's not unreasonable 

On 11/14/2012 06:24 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
On 11/13/2012 01:05 PM, Connie Sieh wrote:
On Tue, 13 Nov 2012, Yasha Karant wrote:

Right now, my quad core SL 6x X86-64 workstation is not responding very
well; a quick look at top reveals:

Tasks: 181 total,   2 running, 178 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 41.1%us,  7.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 51.3%id,  0.4%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
Mem:   8196468k total,  8002116k used,   194352k free,     9344k buffers
Swap:  2048252k total,  1753152k used,   295100k free,   543572k cached


  3417 ykarant   20   0 1679m 738m 8752 S 122.2  9.2   9239:30
  3342 ykarant   20   0 2995m 2.2g  18m R 94.9 28.2   8309:43 firefox

  2051 root      20   0 4448m 3.1g 9440 S  1.8 39.6 443:40.39 Xorg

  2793 ykarant    9 -11  559m 3028 1860 S  1.8  0.0  20:04.64 pulseaudio

  3113 ykarant   20   0  321m 6904 5292 S  1.8  0.1 211:10.01 gkrellm

My institution requires the use of Adobe flash (as well as java), and
thus it seems that plugin-container is being used.  Is there an
alternative approach?  The above seems to me a total waste of machine

When there are security upgrades/fixes from the originating application
provider (e.g., Mozilla, Adobe, etc.), the Security Office at my
university requires us to use the latest production version of the
application.  If SL can establish in a document (e.g., a URL) that the
SL distribution version meets these same security issues, and can do so
each time the originating provider releases a new production version
(major or minor release), then I can use the version from SL.

If you keep up with your Linux updates, you should be current and meet their 
requirements.  RHEL ships firefox ESR.  Google it. :-)  You'll find references 

Compare latest vulnerabilities to 'rpm -q firefox'.

Note that I use the internal upgrade/update mechanism within firefox;
that is, I su to root, as root invoke firefox from a terminal
application, and then within firefox the upgrade proceeds, sometimes as
a partial update, sometimes (when the partial update fails), firefox
initiates a full update download.  But, I do not myself download any
tar.gz/, .rpm, or other files.

Where is this replacement firefox stored, in /usr/bin/?  For people that absolutely need 
the latest version, I suggest they download and install (from into a subdir 
in their home directory AS THEM (not root) so the update mechanism will "just 
work" on-demand, as the developers intended.

Hope that helps.

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