On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Eero Volotinen <eero.voloti...@iki.fi> wrote:
> 2012/12/9 José Pablo Méndez Soto <aux...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> I am playing around with SL instead of CentOS so to know which one behaves
>> better or just to have a criteria on how they both differ, being RedHat
>> re-distros.
>> I noticed that my virtual machine with GUI, that I built from the
>> SL-63-x86_64-2012-08-02-Install-DVD.iso, won't reply to pings or open SSH
>> sessions until a user logs in.
>> I tried the same on a CentOS  6.2 built similarly, and no matter if there
>> are users or no users logged in, it always have networking and you can SSH
>> into it.
>> Any idea about this difference? Can it be changed in SL so to initiate
>> connections before a GUI log in?
> On RHEL 6 and clones, network is managed by network-manager by
> default. You need to disable network manager and configure interfaces
> on traditional way.
> Take look at NM_MANAGED on /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*

NetworkManager is *not the friend* of anyone running a server. It's
unfortunately difficult to rip out by the roots, because other
components depend on it. And the "system-config-network" tool has no
way to gracefully turn it off, you have to use a text editor.

You can put "NM_MANAGER=no" in /etc/sysconfig/network, along with
"NO_ZEROCONF=yes" to aovid generating those default, irritating
"169.254.*" IP addresses at network startup time.

> Eero

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