Hi Torpey List!

 On 2013.01.20 at 11:02:38 -0600, Torpey List wrote next:

> /etc/sysconfig/network has only the following:
> HOSTNAME=nala.
> DOMAIN=example.com
> I see the trailing period at the end of the Hostname and have removed it.  I 
> have also added "NM_CONTROLLED=no" to ifcfg-eth0.
> This certainly an improvement and fixes the issue that I was having.  
> However, I am not sure if there is another issue that will pop up because 
> there is no domainname.

Glad that it helped!

Output from "domainname" doesn't matter, this is mostly obsolete
command, and unless you're using NIS (and it's almost guaranteed that you
don't) you shouldn't care about it.

What you probably want is "dnsdomainname" command.



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