On 2013/01/23 23:55, Phil Perry wrote:

Here is the announcement I made back in November that the 310.xx series nvidia
drivers were dropping support for older 6xxx and 7xxx based hardware:


And how was I to know that and how was I to prevent 310 being placed
on a no longer supported brand new system? It's rather a bummer you know.

No, this is the nvidia driver telling you that your hardware is no longer
supported. It even tells you that you need the NVIDIA 304.xx Legacy drivers.

That's not obvious. And I feel I have a rather perfect right to presume
the board should be supported. It is a brand new machine as of May last

That's correct - you need to stay at the 304.xx driver as this is the *last*
driver that will support your older hardware (7xxx based chipset). We released
the legacy kmod-nvidia-304xx and nvidia-x11-drv-304xx packages to aid in this
(see the thread linked above) and pushed them out to the main repo *before* we
released the updated 310.xx series drivers.

Please uninstall the kmod-nvidia driver and install the kmod-nvidia-304xx and
then you can continue to receive updates from elrepo.

I've just tried to downgrade and see what happens.

Nothing screwed up, nvidia simply decided it was time to move on from supporting
aging hardware (~8 years old?) in the current driver release.

Nvidia screwed up. The hardware was brand new about 8 months ago. So I feel
I have a perfect right to be annoyed.

Now, how do I stop new stuff from coming in? If there is a change in what
is supported then it behooves somebody to provide an automated test to
make sure the systems keep running by not downloading updates that do not
fit the particular system. After all "lspci" exists, reports this line
"00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 7025 /
nForce 630a] (rev a2)", and the install could be aborted when that is
found and the administrator notified.


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