On 25 January 2013 18:18, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
> Thank you for the correction.
> Am I correct to assume that this driver -- presumably derived from the
> proprietary Nvidia driver that must be uninstalled per the documentation in
> the URL that you provided -- has fully stereoscopic 3D support, including
> whatever openGL modifications are required, as does the Nvidia "factory"
> package?
> If so, and thus stereoscopic 3D activation in the xorg.conf file is
> required, does this ELrepo package provide the necessary xorg.conf file?  If
> not, and if the ELrepo derivative requires the same syntax in the same
> xorg.conf stanzas as the Nvidia "factory" driver, could you kindly transmit
> my xorg.conf file fix to the Elrepo group, or provide me with the correct
> contact information?


Please refresh you memory of the ELRepo Project's home page [1], in
particular the section headed 'Need Help?'. It may also be to your
benefit to review the relevant 'nVidia' pages [2][3][4][5].

You already have an account on the ELRepo bug tracker [6] where we
will accept both bug reports and RFEs. If you have forgotten your
password/phrase, let me know and I will arrange for a reset.

Finally there is also a 'Contact' page [7], which should make things
quite clear.


[1] http://elrepo.org/tiki/tiki-index.php
[2] http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia
[3] http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia-96xx
[4] http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia-173xx
[5] http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia-304xx
[6] http://elrepo.org/bugs/main_page.php
[7] http://elrepo.org/tiki/Contact

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