> hard drive.  The hard drive on A is /dev/sda, call it Ahd.  A is shut down
> power off.  Bhd is installed into an available bay on A, A is booted, and
> Bhd appears as /dev/sdb in A.  Using dd on A, clone /dev/sda to /dev/sdb .
> Mount on A the partition of /dev/sdb that contains /etc (there are no end
> user home directories -- only home directories are those of the system
> administration users).  Using a text editor (e.g., vi), modify the
> /etc/sysconfig/net* scripts/directories, as well as /etc/hosts. for the name
> and IP address of machine B that will contain Bhd (resolv.conf will be the
> same -- all of these machines are in the same DNS subzone, same TCP/IP
> subnet).  Iterate through all of the target workstation hard drives.  As
> there are no other distributed services running, this should suffice.

Using tar rather than dd would likely be faster if there's any
significant amount of free space on the source disk. dd will copy all
those unused blocks, while tar will copy just the Useful Data.

The network interface config files
(/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*) contain the interface MAC
address. You'll probably need to modify that. It may be easiest to set
up a one-time boot script so this can be set on the destination (B)
machine the first time it boots.

If you use selinux, you may want to touch .autorelabel in the B root
file system so the contexts will get set properly when it boots.

                                                         - Bluejay Adametz

Definition: Alponium n. (chemical symbol:Ap) Initial blast of odor
from a can of dog food.


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