On Mon, 8 Apr 2013, Charles Campbell wrote:


I'm pretty sure that I'm running into a security blockade.  I have
several small example sockets programs which have compiled and worked in
the past on other platforms.  However, they are not working under SL
6.3, even when I change ports multiple times.

I have:

  * disabled SELINUX  (I first tried setenforce 0 as root to make it
simply permissive, but no luck, so I disabled it instead)
  * turned iptables off:  /etc/init.d/iptables stop

Still, after having done both of these, I can't get a simple socket and
client example to work.  The /var/log/messages file simply shows my
shutting off of iptables.

Is there another thing that I can do to get some simple sockets examples
to work?   I figure once I have located the problems, I can begin to
attack the rules needed to get it to work.

Regards, and thank you,
Chip Campbell

What does not work about them? What port numbers are you using? Running as what user?

-Connie Sieh

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