On Wed, 7 Aug 2013, Larry Linder wrote:

Not really the place for this but I need some neural help.

New prototype system for SL 6.4 -=20
Installed as a custom install - so we can get disks labeled as we need them.
Set up everything but could not access the Internet.   Since this is a new=
Gigabyte  GA-970A-DS3, AMD quad core, 16G of dram and a couple of TByte=20
Used the Ethernet install tool on GNOME and it all looked good - addresses=
checked, router, gateway etc.

When I ran ping             -  address of our router
=46rom icmp_seq=3D1 Destination Host Unreachable
and then=20
"insufficient memory" error
The second time I ran "ping"it gave the same result but no memory error.

Added a known good 10/100 Ethernet board and used next address and the exac=
same result.  Used eth1 for new board and  eth0 for the MB Ethernet.

3 rd attempt was an install - upgrade with command line
linux - asknetwork
Set this up as it asked with offset address of,mask,gateway &=
metric =3D 1 reboot and same result.

This appears to be some kind of Firewall problem.   In SL5.8 you had the=20
option of setting it promiscuous and then it all worked and it was easy to=
add the required firewall protections.   But this network is inside the pla=
so we do not check everything.
Would like to turn Firewall stuff off to see if problem goes away but could=
find little info on it .

I am convinced that HW is good, tested cable drop and was able to connect i=
to another box and Ethernet worked.

4.  Next will be an install with a live CD and see if we can make the=20
connection with it.

Any ideas as to where to look or how to disable security stuff.

Thank You=20
Larry Linder

What does "ifconfig" show?

-Connie Sieh

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