On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:06:03 +0000, Edison, Arul (GE Healthcare) 
<aruljeyananth.jamesedi...@ge.com> wrote:

>                I am porting my application from Redhat to Scientific 
Linux 6.3 
>In Scientific Linux, the CD is mounted to mount point /media/CDROM_
>I would like to change the mount point location to /mnt/cdrom
>Any idea what is the configuration to change this?
We do this in SL6.2
/dev/cdrom       /mnt/scdrom       iso9660 noauto,user,exec,ro  0 0
I would think changing scdrom with cdrom would work for you
We have a custom app using the Motif window manager so I do not know how 
this would affect gnome or kde

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