Would a preliminary release of devtoolset-2 without eclipse be 
worthwhile/feasible, or would that be waste of effort?

Perhaps my situation is unique, but my primary interest in version 2 is GCC 4.8 
rather than eclipse.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
[mailto:owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov] On Behalf Of Connie Sieh
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:45 PM
To: Devin A. Bougie
Subject: Re: Developer Toolset 2

On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Devin A. Bougie wrote:

> Hi, All.  Just incase we=92ve overlooked it, any updates on the
> expected re= lease of the Developer Toolset 2 for SL would be greatly 
> appreciated.

There are issues with rebuilding eclipse.   We are deciding how to handle
this issue.

> Many thanks,
> Devin=

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