Hi All,

   I am in the thinking phase of a new server for
a customer.  The server needs to be PCI Compliant
(credit card security).  PCI is really a huge
paper chase and although it adds a lot of good
practices, it doesn't really address the human
factor like it should, which is where most of the
breaches come these days.

   I was going to suffer with SE Linux left on.
Samba with SE Linux: I will say a few blue
words before it is over.  :'(

   I have the File Integrity Software picked out
(CimTrak) as I has used it in the Windows Arena
and like how it works.  And the sales and tech support
is astounding.

   What I have yet to pick out is an Anti Virus (AV).
It is part of the paper chase.  Looking over at


I am not seeing Clam AV.  I know Kaspersky has one,
but the last time I tried it, it was a mess.
Any thoughts on an AV?

  If you look at the chart, no one did worse than
M$ Security Essentials in December.  Chuckle.

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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