That Alan didn't include, because if that's Alan Bartlett from Samba
work he's *brilliant* and probably already knows all this stuff, is
that the "/etc/grub.conf" file is a symlink to /boot/grub/grub.con. If
you edit it with some editors, it will replace the symlink with your
new file, and not change the *real* file in /boot/grub/grub.conf which
is the one actually used. Enthusiastic chaos will ensue.

So the file to edit is *really* the one in /boot/grou/grub.conf. And
it's very, very helpful to put that fine under source control, so you
can come back later and see you it's changed with new versions oor how
you've changed it. I recommend:

       cd /boot/grub
       git init .
       git commit /boot/grub/grub.conf
       [edit file ]
       git commit /boot/grub/grub.conf # to save your last version,
with a meaningful comment

And if it gets changed by new kernels, you can do this:

      cd /boot/grub
      git diff grub.conf

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Alan Bartlett <> wrote:
> On 15 March 2014 14:29, Larry Linder <> wrote:
>> Thank you all for your assistance.
>> Connie had right answer.
>> In the grub boot loader all of the available Kernels are there and can be
>> booted.  Top of the list was 6.4 .
>> When we had a major power outage the system, shut down by the UPS, and  was
>> manually rebooted and the orrig. 6.4 Kernel was loaded and no Ethernet -
>> transmit.   According to "ifconfig" the Rd had a large number and the Tx had
>> 0.
>> On this system its hard to see as the boot happens very quickly and if you 
>> are
>> not looking for it you miss it.
>> In the "grub" boot loader all 6.4 , 6.4 elrepo, and 6.5 kernels were there.
>> If you don't select "elrepo", it boots with 6.4.
>> Rebooted using the "elrepo" kernel, solved the problem.
>> Ethernet is now working.
>> Next Question:
>> How do I modify the boot loader to put the "elrepo" kernel first in the list?
> Examine your /etc/grub.conf file.
> You will observe that every kernel stanza begins with a "title" line.
> Those kernel stanzas are numbered, starting from zero with the first
> one nearest the beginning of the file. Note the number of the kernel
> stanza that you wish to be the default boot.
> Now edit the line which begins "default=" and ensure that line
> references the relevant kernel stanza number.
> Alan.

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