On 5/5/14, 3:21 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On May 5, 2014 2:10, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

Hi All,

"#" is roots user prompt
"$" is my user's prompt

# mount -t ext3 -o users,exec /dev/sdc1 /mnt/LIVE
# chmod -R 2777 /mnt/LIVE
$ cp -R /home/CDs/Keepers/Linux/Usb.CreateLiveUSB /mnt/LIVE
$ umount /mnt/LIVE

I can not umount /mnt/LIVE because it is not in fstab
and "$" is not root.

I want the user to be able to umount this on and I don't
want it cluttering up fstab.

Is there an "-o" option that will allow the
user to umount it?

You don't know the whole story.  I wanted to mount it
as root.  Then I wanted to test if I could write to
it as group=user (100).

I wanted to umount the drive as a user so I
didn't have to go back to root and then back to
user again for some more tests you are not seeing.

I was hoping there was a "-o " option to allow
that.  Google have failed me.


What you do as root usually must be undone by root.
Perfect use case for a specific 'sudo' to allow a specific user to umount 

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