On Fri, 4 Jul 2014, Yasha Karant wrote:

As has been made clear, no "conspiracy" in terms of getting the matter
ported -- simply a possibly different set of impediments to building
from source.  (Anyone checked if the Oracle EL7 port is done yet?  What
about the Princeton port?)  The "conspiracy" will be visible if there
are significant performance degradations of CentOS 7 source compared to
real RHEL source build distros/ports, and if RHEL 7 intended "codes" (as
from the commercial sector) do not work on the CentOS based distros.
The real "conspiracy", if any, would be for security compromises left
open in the CentOS based ports compared with the RHEL real source based

This was done in short order, not long after CentOS released
pre-production distros.  CentOS, as a division of Red Hat, presumably
had a simpler job than the SL team, unless of course there were sub-rosa
details from Red Hat to CentOS that also then went to SL.  Is SL still a
separate distro, or is it in fact a CentOS SIG/variant (probably the
latter given that RHEL source was not used, but rather CentOS)?

SL is still a separate distro.

From the "announcement" "These packages were built at Fermilab from TUV's
sources." .

A practical question:  will any alpha or beta SL 7 distro based install
be able to change into 7x production or will a full reinstall be required?

It is suggested that a new install be done as we do not know what issues would happen with the continued use of this pre production version.

Yasha Karant

On 07/04/2014 04:37 AM, Bill Maidment wrote:
That's amazing work by you guys. So much for all the conspiracy theories ;-)


-----Original message-----
From:Pat Riehecky <riehe...@fnal.gov>
Sent: Friday 4th July 2014 7:23
Subject: Scientific Linux 7 ALPHA

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Pat Riehecky

Scientific Linux developer

-Connie Sieh

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