On 07/09/2014 08:48 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
This was me. I thought I'd sent it to the list: it's all cool.

obAdministrivia: I'm not exactly a fan of the 'default reply to poster' mailing list setup, but that's what the SL list is. I hit reply-all and trim the recipients whenever replying to the list (Thunderbird's 'reply to list' function doesn't seem to work with the SL lists).
The other dirty trick would be to use something like 'mock' to build a chroot cage, and put your tools inside the chroot cage. ...
I have to wonder if the 'Software Collections' framework could work for glibc. Otherwise your solution should work ok, even though it is more than a bit of a kluge. But it is glibc we're talking about, the second most core part of the system.

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