On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Yasha Karant wrote:

On SL 6, I have a small icon on the bottom panel task bar that appears
as a N x N (N = 3 for my choice) matrix and that can be used to switch
between workspaces and drag open application windows from one workspace
to another.  I cannot find this for SL 7 gnome, nor can I find the way
to add widgets to panels -- the menu that will pop up from a click on
the panel and that starts with Add to Panel.

I have found

     *alacarte*-3.*7*.90-8.el7.noarch RPM

from the CentOS 7 (official RedHat non-supported EL) distro.

Any suggestions for the other gnome desktop utilities?

Yasha Karant

Note that alacarte-3.7.90-8.el7.noarch.rpm is also in the SL 7 repo.

-Connie Sieh

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