On 11/10/2014 08:31 AM, Charles Elsaesser wrote:


when trying to install
from an usbkey created with
dd if=SL-7-x86_64-Everything-Dual-Layer-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=512
installation request goes on on most of x86_64 computers.

But on EEEPC-1000hd ( celeron processor, 900mhz), installation process
stops at boot request
and following messages are issued:
Failed to load libcom32.c32
Failed to load COM32 file vesamenu.c32

Is it completely impossible to run the boot process on EEEPC-1000hd
because it's known as a 32bits machine?

Can something be done to overcome this failing step?

Should I come back, to

Thank you for your help



You are correct, the 1000HD uses a Celeron M 353 which is a 32-bit only processor. SL7 is only available as a 64-bit OS. You will have to stick with SL6 in this case or switch to another distribution that still builds for 32-bit.

I'm a bit sour over TUV's choice to drop 32-bit, but you have to roll with the punches.


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