Already had LyX. I tried LyX as a LaTeX WYSIWYW as advertised by LyX developers; I prefer TeXstudio at this point.

On 12/08/2014 06:38 PM, Joseph Godino wrote:
Have you tried Lyx? It is in EPEl

On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 16:21 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:
On 12/04/2014 04:00 PM, Phil Wyett wrote:
On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 15:39 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:
Although I have installed the current SL7 latex set as well as
TeXstudio, I still need gnu texmacs as well as Kile.

Does anyone know of EL 7 rpms for these package, including which, if
any, repositories must be installed for yum, etc., to resolve
the dependencies to install these files?

Yasha Karant


texmacs is in epel 6 but not 7 as yet. You may wish to contact the epel
maintainer (see link below) and ask if they are willing to do the build.


kile is in epel 7 testing. See links below.



I have attempted to contact "tremble", but there seems no link to do so
and I have no need to join any Fedora group.

As I recall, there were EPEL proponents (developers?) who have
corresponded to this SL list -- would anyone care to comment on the
status of GNU TeXmacs?  Note that I do receive .tm files and thus need a
way to at least convert these to some form of LaTeX source from which I
can attempt to recover the necessary information.  As for now, I
personally have given up on all the LaTeX front ends but Texstudio (that
does run under SL7) as I cannot afford the only true LaTeX WYSIWYG
( , albeit it is not evident from the web site if
this in fact will run under SL7).   However, I attempt to keep extant
versions of as many such applications as I can mostly to help students
who need to submit formalism in PDF using LaTeX (I have found no text
processing system superior to LaTeX for producing journal articles and
the equivalent, such as theses).

A build of TeXmacs from either source or the rpmbuild from a source rpm
fails, and I do not have the personal spare time nor the personnel
resources to fix this.



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