On 01/28/2015 11:22 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 28 January 2015 at 10:20, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu <mailto:ykar...@csusb.edu>> wrote:

    Suppose one has an ISA executable file (e.g., an application that
    is a native binary executable, not an interpreted executable) that
    works under a different Linux distribution -- for clarity, call
    that OTHER Linux.  OTHER may use a different kernel and a
    different glibc than SL, and the executable may be IA-32, not
    X86-64.  If under OTHER the executable file is built with only
    static libraries -- no dynamic .so calls -- will it execute under
    SL 7?   That is, when system (kernel) calls are made by the
    executable, will the use of a different kernel and glibc generally
    cause the executable to fail? I am restricting the discussion to
    the X86-64 ISA, not an arbitrary ISA for which OTHER may be available.

    Yasha Karant

It depends on how statically it is compiled. I have seen things which were listed as static but only for everything but glibc. In that case you need to install the x86_32 glibc to get it working. That said.. when things are super static you can end up with hunt the file I need.. it is static but is looking for a file which is in a 32 bit directory.

So some of the time it will work, some of the time it won't. Without knowing more about what ldd and say strings says about the executable.. not sure which category your executable will fall in.

Stephen J Smoogen.

My intention is this. There exist applications on various other distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc.) that do not exist and will not build under SL 7. The intent would be to setup a development machine of the other distro, build the application from source as static as possible (with bloat by this mechanism), include whatever directories or files that need to be present, and then run the thing under SL 7 . In a worst case, rather that using a physical machine, install the other distro in a virtual machine under VirtualBox (that runs very well under SL 7) -- with enough disk space assigned to the Virtual Box machine to allow for such a build. Some applications (such as a full window manager) I would not consider, but there are others of more limited generality that I would.

Yasha Karant

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