On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:17 PM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
> Before you shake the finger at me, all of the below were "no security"
> installations,

The finger will be shook regardless. Eventually a "no security"
installation will be connected to a different network than originally

> Twice on FC21 machines and once on a OSx machine I have been caught not
> being able to use CUPS ( because the "administration"
> function required the root's (OSx was the user's) password. And, they had it
> and all others set to blank password. Cups must have a password, so I
> couldn't use the administration functions.
> Is there a way around this besides assigning a password (which will
> not endear me to the customer[s])?

I commented out the lines starting with "Require" in cupsd.conf and
was able to achieve what I believe you wanted.

Brandon Vincent

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