Here's an interesting feature I discovered while compiling the Atlas
library. During the compilation the Makefile tests out a number of
different, let's call them, block sizes, which are used in the matrix
multiplication routines.

I get The mpression that the developers believe that the test for what
block size is optimal will be affected by the CPU speed , so, the configure
command that you run before make will flat out refuse to finish if you have
the standard cool and quiet, or whatever it's called in Intel world, CPU
frequency scaling running.

The workaround is to reboot your machine , go into the BIOS , turn off the
frequency scaling, and then configure; make ; make install. This was a
little surprising to discover, it's not often that a software packages
forces you to make good life choices. Normally it seems like gentle
suggestions are the default.
On Dec 17, 2015 11:18 AM, "Nathan Moore" <> wrote:

> For a colleague, I am installing gamess on a cluster of SL7 machines.  As
> an initial effort, compiling with gfortran, atlas libraries and sockets for
> message passing.  Compiling is successful, but at the linking stages,
> gamess can't find the lf77blas library.
> I can't find lf77blas either (in the yum repo), but it seems like it is at
> least sometimes included in atlas.  Is there a standard place that this
> library is availble?
> from gamess,
> [root@pilgrim gamess]# ./lked gamess 01
> Thu Dec 17 10:42:35 CST 2015
> GAMESS will be linked into the binary file gamess.01.x.
> The name of the linker on this machine is gfortran,
> and the linker options are " ".
> Object code list begins "gamess.o unport.o",
> followed by   BLAS object code " ",
> followed by LAPACK object code "dgeev.o dgesvd.o zheev.o",
> followed by VECTOR object code " ",
> followed by memory object code "zunix.o",
> followed by the standard GAMESS object code list,
> ...
>    The message passing libraries searched are
> /opt/gamess/ddi/libddi.a -lpthread
>    Other libraries, including math libraries, to be searched are
> -L/usr/lib64/atlas -lf77blas -latlas
> Linker messages (if any) follow...
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lf77blas
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> and yum says,
> [root@pilgrim gamess]# yum list | grep atlas
> atlas.x86_64                             3.10.1-7.el7               @sl
> atlas-devel.x86_64                       3.10.1-7.el7               @sl
> atlas-sse2.i686                          3.10.1-7.el7               @sl
> atlas-sse3.i686                          3.10.1-7.el7               @sl
> atlas-static.x86_64                      3.10.1-7.el7               @sl
> atlas.i686                               3.10.1-7.el7               sl
> atlas-devel.i686                         3.10.1-7.el7               sl
> atlas-static.i686                        3.10.1-7.el7               sl
> but, the libf77blas isn't there,
> [root@pilgrim gamess]# ls /usr/lib64/atlas/
> libatlas.a
> [root@pilgrim gamess]# ls /usr/lib/atlas-sse2/
> [root@pilgrim gamess]# ls /usr/lib/atlas-sse3/
> ​I suppose I'll build my own - was wondering though if there's a yum
> package I'm missing.
> Nathan​
> --
> - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -
> Nathan Moore
> Mississippi River and 44th Parallel
> - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -

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