On 01/24/2016 10:08 AM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:
Hi ToddAndMargo!

  On 2016.01.24 at 02:06:38 -0800, ToddAndMargo wrote next:

Hi All,

I am noticing that Sl 7.2 is mounting flash drives in

There are many reasons for this - new directory "todd" is created in
tmpfs, not on real filesystem (in /media), this supports multiple users
using their own devices (one user locks the screen and goes away,
another one logs in on the same PC, inserts flash drive - he gets his
own "/run/media/newuser" hierarchy for his devices, not being able to
see what's on yours) and so on.

Any reason why I can't turn /media into a link
to /run/media/todd

Well technically you can do whatever you want, as long as you are sure
that no other users will be logging in on this PC so it'll always be
"/run/media/todd". Note that since the later directory is created when
first device is inserted, the link will be broken till that time (not a
big deal).

But, if you replace proper directory "/media" with a link, it will cause
errors when upgrading filesystem package. You aren't mean to replace
system directories.

However, you can do something like
ln -sf /run/media/todd /media/todd
ln -sf /run/media/todd /Media

(as a root). If that's convenient to you, why not?



Hi Vladimir,

   Oh well.  I will leave it as is.  Thank you for the advice!


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