On 17/03/2016 9:39 PM, Tom H wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me> wrote:
>> Another named update and still the named-chroot.service file has not
>> been fixed. It is really annoying to have to manually fix it every
>> time, just to get DNS working after an update. Why is the -t
>> /var/named/chroot option included in the ExecStart but not in the
>> ExecStartPre
>> ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'if [ ! "$DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING" == "yes" ];
>> then /usr/sbin/named-checkconf -z /etc/named.conf; else echo "Checking
>> of zone files is disabled"; fi' ExecStart=/usr/sbin/named -u named -t
>> /var/named/chroot $OPTIONS
>> Surely named-checkconf should be run with the same named.conf file as
>> named !!!
>> This was reported back in November 2015
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1278082
>> This should have been fixed by now. How hard is a one line change to fix ???
> You don't have to fix it every time.
> You just have to override it in "/etc/systemd/system/".

Which (as I pointed out on the bug report associated with this issue) is
a completely retarded and broken concept to do.

Applying this override will block out any future updates to the systemd
unit file rendering any changes / updates in the future to be futile.

It breaks the entire concept of having package managed service files.

This attitude causes problems and is the very salt in the wound of
veteran system administrators. Fix the breakage - not apply workarounds
- this isn't Windows, and we completely reject these "solutions".

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897

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