Gosh this feels so weird, but here goes. Some of my favorite passages from my own published works. And the last two from my novels in progress. I also did some quotes from some poems of mine that were based on fairy tales. Don't know how fairy tales fit into the specfic theme. -C
âTell us, Sir Knight,â they asked, âwhy you brought this heathen woman to us. We see by your clothing that you have come from fighting in Palestine. We know you are as holy a man as any of us. Therefore tell us, is this woman a slave of yours, a prize earned in your many battles? Or is she some princess? For dark though she be, she is beautiful to look upon. Was she given to you as booty by some great king?â - Carole McDonnell, "Black is the color of my true love's hair" Published in Fantastic Visions III Edited by William Horner
"For we are Godâs children and this woman is a dark heathen, without knowledge of God and with no power to understand spiritual matters were they explained to her, for far be those heathenish people from salvation or even good sense. It is obvious to me that no true friendship can ever grow between such a great lord and such a woman." Carole McDonnell, "Black is the color of my true love's hair" Published in Fantastic Visions III Edited by William Horner
The woman from beyond the Two Hills continued,  âAlready the children of our village no longer dance to the light at our festivals. They insist on âSound-dances,â preferring âmusicâ to light. They hide their natures, clans, and status.  They do not wear their clan colors. Some of our marriageable young girls refuse to wear the courtship tassels.  They refuse to give the world knowledge of themselves. Itâs a perverse game they play. Yesterday, at the beginning of the Mother-Infant Festival, some children insisted on mouth-singing, even though their parents could not understand a word they said.   And when they talk, they hide their conversations, imitating the mouth-speakers' mouth-to-ears talk, what the Earthers callâ âthis she finger-spelled in English-- ââwhispers.ââ - Carole McDonnell "Lingua Franca" Published in So Long Been Dreaming: Post-Colonialism in Science Fiction. Edited by Nalo Hopkinson
I do not like the name: Snow White.
No one could be that pure.
But, accepting it, let us move on. -- Carole McDonnell "Snow White" Published by Hudson River Arts Review.
Itâs small the pea. 
Some little comment.  -- Carole McDonnell "The Princess and the Pea" Published by The Hudson River Arts Review.
My mother built ivory towers too.
They loomed high, without windows or walls or ladders
and she put me and herself inside.-- Carole McDonnell "Rapunzel" Published by the Hudson River Arts Review.
There are some women
who truly feel themselves to be ideal.
There are some women who cannot see their own fraud.
There are some women who have crooked measuring sticks.
This poem is not for them.
We know all too well that we are not perpetual joys.
We know the day will come when Prince Charming
will see us covered with ashes
sitting beside the cinders. -- Carole McDonnell "Cinderella" Hudson River Arts Review.
I donât think I can adequately describe the feeling of intimacy and personal attachment that this person seemed to feel for me.  -- Carole McDonnell "That Smile" Then Along Came an Angel. Published by Pleasant Word Books. Edited by Julie Bonn Heath.
We donât see a lot of mixed couples around here, and weâre not like some of the other states in the Confederate United Republic. Itâs not like theyâre gonna get killed or lynched or nothing. But itâs tough just the same. And although itâs weird enough that theyâre an interracial couple, it seems to me that theyâre arguing about something bigger than merely coming into this cafe. I donât know any Blacks. You got to go to Laramie, or Cheyenne to see them. But I watch Cosby when itâs on. The Confederacy ainât as bad as the folks in Columbia might think. Sure everyoneâs segregated, but itâs all equal and the Platte County school district is pretty good about African-American History Month. -- Carole McDonnell "Homecoming at the Borderlands Cafe" Jigsaw Nation. (Wildside Books) Edited by Ekaterina Sedia.
âAnd you are not weak or lacking in morals?â
 âI am not. I have told you that I am a reinforced wall. No door of mine is opened to you. Only my husband can enter me.â -- Carole McDonnell "The Wind Follower" (specfic historical novel.)
Gray Wolf stooped by the waterâs edge washing Davidâs blood from his knife. He gazed up with surprised eyes at his friend, Maelstrom.  âThis killing does not satisfy. I thought it would.  But revenge does not heal.â
Maelstrom nodded then turned toward the horizon.  âThe humans have always known this. But come now.  The deed is done. Return your ladyâs body to the convent.  Perhaps the Silent One will there heal your heart.â
David Haskinsâ service to his lord had ended.  Which of us knows our great and supreme purpose?  Who knows even the smaller purposes he serves?  His body, thrown into the sea, was hidden from the eyes of humans and Overseer alike.  Washed by the waves, it would soon cease to exist, would dissolve into nothingness.  And few messengers will carry the news of the wannabeâs death. Not wind, not fire, not earth.  Only water.  And the language of water, who can understand? -- Carole McDonnell "The Daughters of Men"
In a message dated 5/15/2005 7:47:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi SciFiNoir Family:

I am compiling quotes for a quote generator that we are installing
on the planned portal. Could you guys submit some of your favorites?

They can be from any type of speculative fiction genre or media type.

Post them to the list or send to the email listed below.


Tracey de Morsella
Phone: 215-849-0946
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Carole McDonnell
"If I've told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will it be when I tell you about heavenly things?"
Let the weak say I'm strong.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

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