To answer the nit-picking question: Terraforming in science fiction means preparing or changing a planet so that it is habitible to don't need the Genesis Effect for that...And Dr. Carol Marcus was never married to Kirk...he just got her knocked up...

g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That revolt on Mars in "Terra Prime" seemed strangely familiar to
the Mars Rebellion in Babylon 5. The only 2 differences, one had
terra-forming and the other didn't. One had the actress Marjorie
Monaghan's character (who Dr. Franklin later hooked up with in a
later ep) and the other had (sadly) Colonel Green.

Nit-picking: so how eactly did this ep of Enterprise have terra-
forming while 100_ years later David and Carol Markus (Kirk's son
and ex-wife) hadn't yet perfected the Genesis Effect? This seemed
like an inconsistency to me.


--- In, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm...I would love to see an elaboration of this Colonel Green
character...It would give me some more insight in the that last
story...or maybe not...

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