This is marvelous!

NASA technology reveals texts of Trojan Wars, early gospels

By Tom Hundley
Chicago Tribune

OXFORD, England - The scholars at Oxford University are not sure how it
works or why; all they know is that it does.

A relatively new technology called multispectral imaging is turning a pile
of ancient garbage into a gold mine of classical knowledge, bringing to
light the lost texts of Sophocles and Euripides as well as some early
Christian gospels that do not appear in the New Testament.

Originally developed by NASA scientists and used to map the surface of
Mars, multispectral imaging was successfully applied to some badly charred
Roman manuscripts that were buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius
in A.D. 79. Examining those carbonized manuscripts under different
wavelengths of light suddenly revealed writing that had been invisible to
scholars for two centuries.

Now scientists are shining the multispectral light on the Oxyrhynchus
Papyri, an enormous collection of texts unearthed from the rubbish heaps
of the vanished city of Oxyrhynchus, about 100 miles south of Cairo.

First excavated by two Oxford archaeologists in the late 19th century, the
hoard of papyrus from Oxyrhynchus has long been a source of fascination
and frustration for scholars: fascination because it holds some of the
lost masterpieces of classical literature, frustration because much of it
is in such poor condition that it's impossible to read.

But the multispectral imaging has "produced miraculous results," according
to Dirk Obbink, a lecturer in papyrology and Greek literature at Oxford
who is directing the project.

"No one knows exactly why it produces the results it does," Obbink said of
the technology. "But with texts that are difficult to read, it's a
night-and-day difference."

In the past few weeks alone, researchers have succeeded in deciphering a
70-line fragment from a lost tragedy by Sophocles and a 30-line fragment
from Archilochos, a Greek soldier-poet who chronicled the Trojan Wars.

The Archilochos fragment confirms what scholars have long suspected: that
the Greeks got lost on their way to invade Troy and mistakenly landed at
place called Mysia. There they fought a battle, lost and had to regroup
before heading off again for Troy.

The Archilochos fragment will be published this month. The newly
discovered lines from Sophocles are scheduled for publication in August.

"To get a piece like that every 10 years, we think ourselves lucky, so
I'd have to say that this is a very exciting development," said professor
Richard Janko, head of the classics department at the University of

Multispectral imaging uses digital cameras equipped with a kind of
revolving Lazy Susan of light filters that isolate the waveband at which
the obscured ink contrasts most vividly with the dark background of the
papyrus, the paper of the ancient Egyptians.

A sequence of images taken at all ranges of the light spectrum are then
put together, and the result often is a document of startling clarity. The
technique for adapting NASA's technology to the reading of ancient
manuscripts was developed at Brigham Young University in Utah, which is
assisting Oxford with the Oxyrhynchus project.

The Oxyrhynchus collection, housed at Oxford University's Sackler Library,
consists of more than half a million scraps of papyrus. Some of it is in
excellent condition, but much of it is worm-eaten and darkened by time.

All of it was collected from the rubbish dumps of Oxyrhynchus, a city that
flourished after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.
The city remained prominent in the Roman and Byzantine periods but
declined after the Arab conquest in A.D. 641.

For a thousand years, the inhabitants dumped their trash in the desert.
Over time the dump sites were covered by sand, and they remained covered
until 1896 when Oxford archaeologists Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt
began excavating the area.

At first, Grenfell thought that what he and Hunt had found was "nothing
but rubbish mounds," but they quickly came to appreciate that they had
found a remarkable window into the literary and ordinary lives of the

There were plays by Sophocles and Euripides, poems of Pindar and Sappho,
and some of the earliest documents recording Christianity's spread to
Egypt. The gospel of Thomas, for example, records the "Sayings of Jesus"
in a manner that some scholars of early Christianity believe is more
authentic than the Gospels in the New Testament.

There also is an abundance of life's everyday stuff and miscellanea: tax
records, marriage contracts, horoscopes, erotic musings, advice on how to
buy a donkey and advice on how to cast a decent magic spell.

"It's as if you took a slice out of everybody's hard drive, or every 10th
page out of every 10th book in the library - what you have is a complete
slice of life," said Obbink, the project director.

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