Wow space stuff.  Would make a neat setting for an SF story.

      Saturn moon delights and baffles  
            By Jonathan Amos 
            BBC News science reporter  

            The tiger stripes mark the southern polar region of Enceladus 

            More details
      Space scientists say their discoveries about Saturn's moon Enceladus are 
stunning, if just a little baffling. 

      Using the instrument-packed Cassini probe, they have confirmed that the 
500km-wide world has an atmosphere. 

      They have also seen a "hotspot" at the icy moon's south pole, which is 
riven with cracks dubbed "tiger stripes". 

      But the US and European scientists told a London meeting they could not 
yet explain fully the energetic processes driving all the activity on 

      "There were signs from a long time ago that Enceladus was a strange 
moon," said Dr Carolyn Porco, leader of Cassini's imaging team, "but it is just 
so gratifying and fabulous to see all the results come together and clearly 
point to a specific region on the surface which seems to be the origin of a lot 
of that peculiarity." 

      'Strange' world 

      The moon has become a major target of interest since the Cassini mission 
to the Saturn system arrived just over a year ago. 

      Enceladus orbits the ringed planet at a distance of approximately 
237,400km and is described as the most reflective object in the Solar System; 
its icy surface throws back about 90% of the sunlight that hits it. 

            It would be like flying past the Earth and finding that Antarctica 
was warmer than equatorial regions - that strange 

            Dr John Spencer, Southwest Research Institute 
      The spacecraft made a special low pass of the moon on 14 July, crossing a 
mere 173km above the surface at its closest approach. 

      This allowed Cassini to make observations of unprecedented detail; and 
they backed up data obtained by the probe's magnetometer instrument on previous 
flybys that hinted at the presence of a water vapour atmosphere. 

      But that was just the start of what is now proving to be a fascinating 
and evolving story. 

      "We confirmed the signature that there was an atmosphere but it is a 
strange atmosphere," Professor Michele Dougherty, from the UK's Imperial 
College and the lead scientist for the magnetometer instrument, told BBC News. 

      "It seems to be concentrated at the south pole and the best way to match 
our observations is that you have almost a cometary jet coming off the south 

      'Hard to understand' 

      High-resolution imagery shows the southern polar region to be relatively 
smooth - usually a good indicator of recent activity - but cut by a number of 
long, dominant cracks. These are the so-called tiger stripes. 

      They are about 130km long and roughly parallel to one another, spaced 
about 40km apart. 

      Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer shows the region to be much 
warmer than expected. 

            Heat is concentrated at the south pole 
      Whereas temperatures near the equator are a frigid 80 Kelvin (minus 
193C), the south polar average reaches 85K (minus 188C). Small areas of the 
pole, concentrated near the tiger stripe fractures, are even warmer: well over 
110K (minus 163C) in some places. 

      "The amount of heat there is really hard to understand as being due to 
just sunlight warming the surface," said Dr John Spencer, from the Southwest 
Research Institute in Colorado, US. 

      "It shouldn't be that warm at the pole. It would be like flying past the 
Earth and finding that Antarctica was warmer than equatorial regions - that 

      "This is only the second place in the Solar System beyond Earth that 
we've seen signs of heat coming out of the interior - the other being Jupiter's 
moon Io." 

      The scientists think the cracks may act like vents, spewing out water 
vapour and very fine water-ice particles. Some have suggested there could be 
ice geysers and even ice volcanoes at the stripe locations - but these have not 
been imaged directly. 

      Interest index 

      The puzzle for researchers is how to explain such an energetic system on 

      As the moon moves around an eccentric orbit of Saturn, gravitational 
forces should subject the tiny world to some tidal heating. Radioactive 
isotopes in its rocky core may also be a source of some warming. 

      But scientists are struggling to make the numbers add up and are frankly 
baffled as to why the activity they see should be so concentrated in just the 
one region. 

            Cassini could detect very simple organics at the tiger stripes 
      "One of the most fascinating aspects of Enceladus is that it's so very 
small as icy moons go, but so very geophysically active," said Dr Bob Brown, 
from the University of Arizona, US, and team leader for Cassini's visual and 
infrared mapping spectrometer. 

      "It's hard for a body as small as Enceladus to hold onto the heat 
necessary to drive such large-scale geophysical phenomena, but it has done just 

      "Enceladus and its incredible geology is a marvellous puzzle for us to 
figure out." 

      Certainly, what the Cassini data has done is thrust Enceladus up the 
interest index of objects in the Solar System that demand further 

      Scientists may not be able to explain the "boiler" at the south pole but 
they are already talking up the possibility that conditions there could allow 
for liquid water below the surface - with all the implications that might have. 

      "It's quite likely that this moon will now join the ranks of Mars and 
Jupiter's moon Europa where you might have liquid water - and the biologists 
could start getting interested in this being a place were life might possibly 
arise," enthused Dr Torrence Johnson, a Cassini scientist from Nasa's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory in California. 

      "It moves Enceladus from being a small denizen of the outer Solar System 
- a frozen iceberg - to something that's more of an active type world that 
we're interested in exploring." 

      Cassini discoveries at Enceladus include: 

        a.. presence of a strange atmosphere concentrated at the south pole 
        b.. atmosphere mostly (91%) water vapour, but with some nitrogen, 
carbon dioxide and other simple carbon-based molecules (organics) 
        c.. large crevasse features at south pole dubbed tiger stripes 
        d.. intriguing hotspot at south pole - anomalous warmth in the area of 
the tiger stripes 
        e.. presence of "orderly" water-ice at south pole, especially within 
tiger stripe features, indicates region must have been very hot, be very young, 
or both 
        f.. presence of simple organics along the fractures 
        g.. indication that water vapour and fine material are being ejected 
from tiger stripes 
        h.. fine ice material is probably the significant and sustaining source 
of ice particles that make up Saturn's outermost ring - its E ring
      Cassini scientists are meeting in London this week ahead of a major 
conference of the American Astronomy Society in Cambridge next week. 
      The $3.2bn Cassini-Huygens mission is a joint venture between the US 
space agency (Nasa), the European Space Agency (Esa) and the Italian Space 
Agency (Asi). 

      Size comparison - Earth to Enceladus. The moon is just 500km across


      See images sent back from the Cassini probe 



        Destination Saturn 
      Watch how the Cassini mission to the ringed planet takes place 


      Enceladus delights and baffles 
      Saturn probe spies 'cheese' moon 
      Newest Saturn moons named 
      In pictures: Titan landing 
      Probe yields fresh images 
      Huygens probe lands on Titan 
      Titan moon 'geologically alive' 
      Cassini sends close-ups of rings 
      Phoebe is 'cosmic time capsule' 

      Titan: A glimpse into the unknown 

      Radio 4: Running Rings Around Saturn 
      Solar System Tour 

      Cassini-Huygens, Nasa JPL 
      Cassini-Huygens, Esa 
      Cassini Imaging Team 
      The Open University: Stardate - Mission to Titan 
      The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites 

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