As a Democrat, I can say that I and others of my party are fervently working 
toward anyone other than Hilary as a candidate in 2008. There are toher, 
stronger candidates we feel can be more successful and less divisive.

Xavier Moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    
Image from:  <>      
Will Hillary Clinton be the next President of the United States? Sorry,
folks, but it certainly appears that way. As " Bozo the Clone" is being set
up for a "one way ticket to Crawford", Hillary Clinton is slithering towards
the oval office.
I caution the feminist readers not to begin applauding prematurely. Hillary
has reinvented herself from the good old days of granny glasses and women's
rights. The Ms. has become a Mrs. and soon hopes to become a President. 
It seems like only yesterday that Hillary was championing the rights of the
Afghani woman and justifying the invasion of Afghanistan to help their
status. What happened to THAT Hillary and what happened to the Afghani
women? Has anyone been monitoring their liberation? 

Has "Hillary the Hawk" looked lately at the women in Iraq? What has the
Corporate Agenda done for them? Look at Africa where women and children are
starving as a result of this Corporate Agenda. Are you aware, Mrs. C? Do you
care, Mrs. C? 
A master gymnast, Hillary has flip-flopped on the Israeli/Palestinian
Isn't this the same woman who, as First Lady, supported Palestinian
statehood and hugged Yasir Arafat's wife? Isn't this the same woman who made
a violently anti-Israel speech and had been known to call Clinton campaign
workers efing Jew-bastards?

I guess Mrs. Clinton realized that such behavior was not in the best
interest of a candidate for Senator of New York State. It certainly is not
the proper strategy with which to capture the Presidency in 2008. And so,
Hillary embarked on a trip to Israel (with no stop in Palestine) to visit
and praise the "separation barrier" being built along the edge of the West
Bank. Separation barrier? Is that what you call a 30 ft high solid wall with
electronic fences? It's more like a Warsaw Ghetto, Mrs. C. Observe the
service road and another fence and a 13 ft deep trench. There's a special
road for armed personnel, and you can imagine what their duties are. A
"separation barrier" sounds like something I fashioned to create a dining

While she was in Israel, Mrs. Clinton praised Ariel Sharon's work for peace.
PEACE? Is that why they call him "the Butcher of Lebanon"? Was he handing
out beef briskets to the hungry Lebanese? What about the killing of the
Palestinian refugees at Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon under Sharon's
watch? UN Resolution 194 guarantees all Palestinian refugees the right to
return, and yet, Ariel Sharon refuses to implement this resolution. In
addition, "the butcher" has turned a deaf ear on countless other resolutions
denouncing the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Mrs. Clinton, you are
starting to make George Bush sound good. 

Let's travel back in time to the year 1991. Remember when four members of
the New York Hasidic community of New Square were convicted of starting a
fake religious school with 1,500 fake students and embezzling $40 million in
federal Pell grants, which they then funneled back in to the New Square
community? I remember this well, since New Square is only about 25 minutes
from where I live. 

In August of 2000, Hillary visited the New Square Hasidic community where
she met privately with community leader, Rabbi David Twersky. Nobody knows
for sure what was discussed in the meeting. Perhaps she was interested in
Heading into the 2000 Senate campaign, most New York Hasidic communities
were supportive of Rick Lazio. It was expected that the New Square vote,
which was traditionally conservative, would vote for Lazio by as much as
90%. Two Hasidic communities near New Square went for Lazio 3,500 to 150.
However, New Square shocked everyone, by voting for Hillary 1,359 to 10.
Imagine that !!!!! Hillary got 99% of the vote. In December 2000, just a
month after Hillary took New Square by 99%, Bill and Hillary met with
community leaders from New Square in the White House Map Room where they
discussed pardons for the four New Square embezzlers. You are a religious
woman, Mrs. Clinton, giving those "men of God" a break !!!! 

And, speaking of a "religious" woman, in January of this year, an article by
Francis Harris appeared in the Telegraph. It was entitled "Gasps As Hillary
Woos The Anti-Abortion Vote." 

It seems that ole Hillary made an appeal to right wing religious groups. She
said that she sought common ground on abortion and described herself as a
praying person (preying?) She praised religious groups which have run
chastity campaigns for young people and backed W's Faith Based Initiatives.
Perhaps Mrs. Clinton had had an encounter on the Road to Damascus. 

Recently, "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan urged her fellow/gal Democrats not to
support "pro-war Democrat" Hillary Clinton for president, saying "she sounds
like conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh in her support for U.S. efforts
in Iraq." 

Citing Hillary's comments to the Village Voice that a pullout would mean
U.S. troops had died in vain, Sheehan complained: 

"That sounds like Rush Limbaugh to me. That doesn't sound like an opposition
party leader speaking to me. What Sen. Clinton said after our meeting sounds
exactly like the Republican Party talking points I heard from Senators Dole
and McCain." 

Yes, I am afraid we are in for a rough ride, friends. And here you were,
happily awaiting the exit of Bullwinkle and Snidely Whiplash. 

The Hillary Clinton Presidency will be marketed as an end to war, but please
do not be fooled by this clever manipulation. President Hillary will not
only have all of the American troops, but she will also have NATO troops and
an International Force which is being put together as I write. It is likely
that she will have a total of 350 to 400,000 troops at her disposal. And,
although Ms. C and her velvet glove Administration will probably call them
"peace keeping forces", do not be fooled by words. Rest assured that the
troops will continue to bomb with the same Depleted Uranium and shoot with
the same bullets, as they engage in their "peace keeping" missions. But will
you be any the wiser? Will the press tell you what is being done in our

The stage is set and the bumper stickers are already available. However, it
is not only your bumper that will be STUCK, friends. (And, speaking of
"stuck", it should be apparently clear to even those Americans who are in
delta stage sleep, the reason Mrs. Clinton stuck by her man) 

So stay tuned, my friends. The drama will continue after a short
intermission to rid the stage of "played out" actors. George W is about the
shape shift into Hillary Clinton. And, just when you thought things couldn't
get worse, welcome to the era of "touchy-feely" fascism. 

Copyright 2005 

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