So it's entirely possible the "Apocalypse" has already come and gone. Indeed, 
Christians have declared several major events in history the End Times more 
than once.

While a Christian, I do concede that much of what's taken as, well, "gospel" is 
open to interpretation. The KJ Bible, was, after all, translated by a bunch of 
chauvanistic, aristocratic white dudes who thought Europe was the center of the 
world, and who ignored, threw away, or hid whole texts to boot. Many ancient 
writings exist that never made it to the Bible most people read.  And as the 
article points out, so many symbols of the Bible are given in relation to 
reference points of those times, in those societies, and to those particular 
situations. A good example is the whole recent Millennial Madness of the year 
2000. Everyone was running around worried about Jesus coming back, Satan 
arising from the Pit, aliens invading, a spontaneous Rapture, etc. But I kept 
thinking "Nothing in the Bible says God has any specific love for the number 
2000".  So why be convinced that the End Times would happen just because 2000 
years have past? How are we to know for sure tha t God's not into th
e number--I don't know--3215.6789?   Just because *we* Westerners are into 
powers of 10 doesn't mean the Almighty is. And then there's the fact that the 
Year 2000 is actually more like the year 2004, since Jesus was most likely born 
in what we'd call 4 BC. Hence,  1996 was most likely the Millennium (I may be 
off by a year or two, but you get the idea).  

Again, I'm a Christian, so I believe a lot that some of you might consider 
stupid. But if I may use that suspect Bible to prove its own points, the Bible 
does say that no man knows the time when Jesus will return.  And no matter your 
beliefs, I think the salient point of any spiritual belief is to quit focusing 
on dates and times and potential disasters, and setting about the work of 
making the world a better place for all people. 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "brent wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

6.6.6: Tuesday is June 6, 2006.

By Tim Townsend


Somewhere, Revelation's author is having a big laugh.

Sure, his book of the Bible is filled with dragons, locusts, plagues,
oceans of blood and rivers of fire. Oh, yeah, and the beast. The beast
that branded the godless with the number 666 - a sign of their devotion to

But he was really just warning churches about the evils of emperor
worship. Or was he?

In the nearly 2,000 years since, the number has meant many things to many
people. And on Tuesday - 6/6/06 - a lot of them will be using the number
to their advantage. Some will be cashing in.

An online gambling site has posted 10-1 odds that the world will end
Tuesday, the same day a remake of "The Omen," the 1976 flick with Damien,
the cute little antichrist, will open.

"The Rapture," the next installment in the apocalyptic Left Behind series
of books, is scheduled for release, and conservative author Ann Coulter's
new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," will hit stores.

Many biblical scholars say recent interpretations of the number are way
off base.

It doesn't add up

For centuries, 666, the number of the beast, has absorbed meanings its
author never intended.

Most modern scholars attribute the writing of the book of Revelation to
John of Patmos. He is said to have received visions on a Greek island in
the Aegean Sea, most likely around 90 A.D., that make up the book's

At the heart of John's vision, Satan, in the form of a dragon, has lost a
war in heaven and has been cast down to earth where he continues to battle
God's followers. As the dragon stands "on the sand of the seashore," two
beasts rise, at his command, from below the earth's surface.

The first beast comes out of the sea and the second from the land. It is
this second beast which has gained such long-standing fame over the
centuries. Even within the scholarly community, opinion is divided as to
what Revelation's land beast represents.

The Roman emperor Nero, who ruled from 54 to his suicide in 68 A.D.,
persecuted Christians in horrific ways that were likely to be remembered
only a couple of generations later when John may have been writing
Revelation. It was under Nero that both St. Peter and St. Paul are
traditionally thought to have been martyred in Rome.

Domitian, the emperor from 81-96 A.D., during John's time in Patmos, "was
the first one to take emperor worship seriously," said the Rev. Dan
Doriani, pastor at Central Presbyterian Church in Clayton and former chair
of the New Testament department at Covenant Seminary. "Since Christians
were not worshipping him, they were liable for persecution."

"Said Frank Flinn, an adjunct professor of religious studies at Washington
University, "Nero conducted the first systematic persecution of both Jews
and Christians and is clearly identified with the real beast of

Others say John's problem with Domitian had more to do with false idols,
not persecution.

In his "Introduction to the New Testament," the late Rev. Raymond E. Brown
wrote that the beast from the land, in John's vision "is emperor worship
... The wound of the beast ... may be Nero's suicide; the survival,
Domitian's reign."

David E. Aune, a professor of New Testament at Notre Dame, has written
that the beast represents the antichrist, "a tyrannical ruler who opposes
Christ and Christians," and who "comes up from the bottomless pit - the
abode of the dead and the place where demons and Satan are imprisoned."

John writes that the beast places a mark on the right hand or forehead of
all but the servants of God. It is that mark - 666 - that has so intrigued
people through the centuries. Most scholars now agree that what John was
up to was gematria, or Hebrew numerology.

"Back then there were no separate symbols for numerical values," said the
Rev. Louis A. Brighton, a professor of New Testament interpretation at
Concordia Seminary. So letters did double-duty as numbers. The Hebrew
consonants that spelled out "Nero Caesar," in the Greek form of the name,
add up to 666. (Transliterated into the Latin form of Nero Caesar, the
numbers add up to 616.)

In recent years, popular entertainment has burned the number onto western
society's conscience. Whether via movies such as "Rosemary's Baby," "The
Exorcist," and "The Omen," or music like heavy metal band Iron Maiden's
1982 album "The Number of the Beast," Satan and 666 have become symbols of
anarchy, said Carl Raschke, a professor of religious studies at the
University of Denver.

People who embrace a perceived symbolism of 666 as satanic "are making a
statement of cultural rebellion," said Raschke. "They are saying 'I stand
for something in total opposition to the historical morality of the west.'"

Apocalypse now

John was a Christian prophet of Jewish origin who was possibly living in
self-imposed exile in a cave in Patmos. He wrote his vision in letters to
a group of seven Christian churches in western Asia Minor, now Turkey -
communities he clearly knew well.

In the first verse, John introduces his book as an apokalypsis, or
revelation, a term that has come to define the literary genre - a
narrative, told in the first person, that includes visions of the future.
The book of Revelation is sometimes called "The Revelation to John" or
"The Apocalypse of John."

Brown said apocalypses are most often addressed to people living in times
of suffering and persecution - times so desperate they are seen as the
embodiment of supreme evil.

He said the modern misuse of Revelation "is based on the misunderstanding
that the message is primarily addressed to Christians of our time if they
can decode the author's symbols. Rather, the meaning of the symbolism must
be judged from the viewpoint of the 1st-century (churches)" which received
John's letters.

But balanced scholarly advice aside, the temptation to imagine conspiracy
theories based on ancient religious documents is too strong for some.
According to John, the mark of the beast ensures "that no one can buy or
sell who does not have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the
number of its name." This has led to theories that the bar codes that
appear on most everything we buy in stores are the new version of the mark
of the beast.

Others are convinced the new mark of the beast is a microchip implanted
surreptitiously under a person's skin that transmits low-frequency radio
signals to identify the individual.

Revelation is so full of symbolism that nearly anything can be read from
it. At one time or another, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Rasputin,
Torquemada and Osama bin Laden have all been considered the antichrist.

But here, Tuesday is likely to be just another day - especially since the
Gregorian calendar was not adopted by most of Christendom until 1500 years
after Revelation was written.

Despite British reports of pregnant women planning on being induced Monday
so they don't give birth on 6/6/06, a handful of local hospitals and
obstetricians said they haven't had any requests. At Barnes-Jewish
Hospital's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology moms-to-be are taking
6/6/06 in stride.

"We have several scheduled for induction on Tuesday," said Kathy Holleman,
a Barnes-Jewish Hospital spokeswoman. "And as far as we know, no one's
naming them Rosemary or Damien."

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 314-340-8221

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