I know how you feel, Tracey. Several friends of mine, including one who's a 
serving Navy officer, are looking at Canada. I'm in the number, too.

"Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
funny thing, is part of me wants to come home. But i am afraid. Not of 
being in the states. We've been back twice for visits, but of being 
there when they decide to go Nazi on us. It feels very surreal what our 
country is going through. I just wish more people were history buffs so 
they would really have a grip on what is happening.

I'm glad many of you do get it. although maybe being oblivious is better 
when you are powerless to do anything. You definitely seem to get it. 
Leaving is a hard and difficult path. Unfortunately most people are not 
in a position to do it. Daryle, if or when you decide to make a move, 
let me know, so I can share my research. We researched Canada, 6 
countries in Latin America, 5 countries in Asia, and Europe. We talked 
about Africa, as my husband has lived there, but much of it is too 
volatile. If been meeting quite a few African Americans who have done 
it. I have a friend who is going back to the Dominican republic in 
august. He's in the process of selling his property as part of his 

Tracey :(

Daryle Lockhart wrote:
> I think of all the options, YOU've chosen the smartest, Tracey. 
> Personally, I'm considering it for my own family. Staying and 
> fighting implies that there is something to win. Voting does not work 
> when both parties are in it for the same goal. There will be no 
> action from the people (which, by the way, is the true democratic 
> solution) until the people start going broke en masse. Only another 
> depression is going to snap this nation out of its current daze. 
> So long as we all carry 4 or 5 credit cards and pay our loans 
> over time we do not believe that there is a police state. We have 
> flat panel TVs, we have cable, we have designer shoes and big 
> cars. It's Blade Runner for real, folks. You can't VOTE a 
> corporation out of your pocket. You don't unVOTE a consumer culture. 
> YOu stop doing things and start doing other things. You MAKE 
> things. Or you BUILD things. Or you buy and sell direct. We've been 
> hoodwinked by "convenience" and now here we are...dependent on 
> corporations for our very survival. And we're looking at the 
> President like "we gotta get this guy outta here". And put WHO in? As 
> soon as a Black democrat comes up soeaking truth we will all find 
> 10000 reasons why he's not the guy, but somebody we never heard 
> of before is.
> This list is scary, but not as scary as watching us build it over 
> the past 6 years.
> On Jun 7, 2006, at 11:04 AM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. 
> Minor) wrote:
> i do not know. Everybody is starting to get it, but i think they think
> they can vote these jokers out. I hope they are right, but They have
> been fixing elections for long time and have it down to a science.
> Unless there is some sort of mass rejection of this stuff, I do not know
> what anyone can do. and if there is mass rejection, they have those
> camps they had haliburton built. Many suspect they are for those of us
> to do not accept what they are doing and try to take actions.
> Scary times
> Tracey
> Amy Harlib wrote:
>> This sums it all up in one neat, terrifying package. What can we 
>> do to
>> fight back?
>>> AlterNet - Posted on May 26, 2006, Printed on June 1, 2006
>>> By Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast
>>> Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs 
>>> that it
>>> may well be the case.
>>> 1. The Internet Clampdown
>>> One saving grace of alternative media in this age of unfettered
>>> corporate conglomeration has been the internet. While the masses are
>>> spoon-fed predigested news on TV and in mainstream print 
>>> publications,
>>> the truth-seeking individual still has access to a broad array of
>>> investigative reporting and political opinion via the world-wide web.
>>> Of course, it was only a matter of time before the government 
>>> moved to
>>> patch up this crack in the sky.
>>> Attempts to regulate and filter internet content are intensifying
>>> lately, coming both from telecommunications corporations (who are
>>> gearing up to pass legislation transferring ownership and 
>>> regulation of
>>> the internet to themselves), and the Pentagon (which issued an
>>> "Information Operations Roadmap"
>>> in 2003, signed by
>>> Donald Rumsfeld, which outlines tactics such as network attacks and
>>> acknowledges, without suggesting a remedy, that US propaganda planted
>>> in other countries has easily found its way to Americans via the
>>> internet). One obvious tactic clearing the way for stifling 
>>> regulation
>>> of internet content is the growing media frenzy over child 
>>> pornography
>>> and "internet predators," which will surely lead to legislation 
>>> that by
>>> far exceeds in its purview what is needed to fight such threats.
>>> 2. "The Long War"
>>> This little piece of clumsy marketing died off quickly, but it gave
>>> away what many already suspected: the War on Terror will never 
>>> end, nor
>>> is it meant to end. It is designed to be perpetual. As with the 
>>> War on
>>> Drugs, it outlines a goal that can never be fully attained -- as long
>>> as there are pissed off people and explosives. The Long War will
>>> eternally justify what are ostensibly temporary measures: 
>>> suspension of
>>> civil liberties, military expansion, domestic spying, massive deficit
>>> spending and the like. This short-lived moniker told us all, "get 
>>> used
>>> to it. Things aren't going to change any time soon."
>>> 3. The USA PATRIOT Act
>>> Did anyone really think this was going to be temporary? Yes, this
>>> disgusting power grab gives the government the right to sneak into 
>>> your
>>> house, look through all your stuff and not tell you about it for 
>>> weeks
>>> on a rubber stamp warrant. Yes, they can look at your medical records
>>> and library selections. Yes, they can pass along any information they
>>> find without probable cause for purposes of prosecution. No, they're
>>> not going to take it back, ever.
>>> 4. Prison Camps
>>> This last January the Army Corps of Engineers gave Halliburton
>>> subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root nearly $400 million to build 
>>> detention
>>> centers in the United States, for the purpose of unspecified "new
>>> programs." Of 
>>> course,
>>> the obvious first guess would be that these new programs might 
>>> involve
>>> rounding up Muslims or political dissenters -- I mean, obviously
>>> detention facilities are there to hold somebody. I wish I had more to
>>> tell you about this, but it's, you know... secret.
>>> 5. Touchscreen Voting Machines
>>> Despite clear, copious evidence that these nefarious contraptions are
>>> built to be tampered with, they continue to spread and dominate the
>>> voting landscape, thanks to Bush's "Help America Vote Act," the
>>> exploitation of corrupt elections officials, and the general public's
>>> enduring cluelessness.
>>> In Utah, Emery County Elections Director Bruce Funk witnessed 
>>> security
>>> testing by an outside firm on Diebold voting machines which showed 
>>> them
>>> to be a security risk. But his warnings fell on deaf ears. Instead
>>> Diebold attorneys were flown to Emery County on the governor's 
>>> airplane
>>> to squelch the story. Funk was fired. In Florida, Leon County
>>> Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho discovered an alarming security 
>>> flaw
>>> in their Diebold system at the end of last year. Rather than fix the
>>> flaw, Diebold refused to fulfill its contract. Both of the other two
>>> touchscreen voting machine vendors, Sequoia and ES&S, now refuse 
>>> to do
>>> business with Sancho, who is required by HAVA to implement a
>>> touchscreen system and will be sued by his own state if he doesn't.
>>> Diebold is said to be pressuring for Sancho's ouster before it will
>>> resume servicing the county.
>>> Stories like these and much worse abound, and yet TV news outlets 
>>> have
>>> done less coverage of the new era of elections fraud than even 9/11
>>> conspiracy theories. This is possibly the most important story of 
>>> this
>>> century, but nobody seems to give a damn. As long as this issue is
>>> ignored, real American democracy will remain an illusion. The midterm
>>> elections will be an interesting test of the public's continuing
>>> gullibility about voting integrity, especially if the Democrats don't
>>> win substantial gains, as they almost surely will if everything is
>>> kosher.
>>> Bush just suggested that his brother Jeb would make a good president.
>>> We really need to fix this problem soon.
>>> 6. Signing Statements
>>> Bush has famously never vetoed a bill. This is because he prefers to
>>> simply nullify laws he doesn't like with "signing statements." 
>>> Bush has
>>> issued over 700 such statements, twice as many as all previous
>>> presidents combined. A few examples of recently passed laws and their
>>> corresponding dismissals, courtesy of the Boston Globe:
>>> ----
>>> Dec. 30, 2005: US interrogators cannot torture prisoners or otherwise
>>> subject them to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
>>> Bush's signing statement: The president, as commander in chief, can
>>> waive the torture ban if he decides that harsh interrogation 
>>> techniques
>>> will assist in preventing terrorist attacks.
>>> ----
>>> Dec. 30, 2005: When requested, scientific information ''prepared by
>>> government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted [to
>>> Congress] uncensored and without delay."
>>> Bush's signing statement: The president can tell researchers to
>>> withhold any information from Congress if he decides its disclosure
>>> could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of
>>> the executive branch.
>>> ----
>>> Dec. 23, 2004: Forbids US troops in Colombia from participating in 
>>> any
>>> combat against rebels, except in cases of self-defense. Caps the 
>>> number
>>> of US troops allowed in Colombia at 800.
>>> Bush's signing statement: Only the president, as commander in chief,
>>> can place restrictions on the use of US armed forces, so the 
>>> executive
>>> branch will construe the law ''as advisory in nature."
>>> ----
>>> Essentially, this administration is bypassing the judiciary and
>>> deciding for itself whether laws are constitutional or not. 
>>> Somehow, I
>>> don't see the new Supreme Court lineup having much of a problem with
>>> that, though. So no matter what laws congress passes, Bush will 
>>> simply
>>> choose to ignore the ones he doesn't care for. It's much quieter 
>>> than a
>>> veto, and can't be overridden by a two-thirds majority. It's also
>>> totally absurd.
>>> 7. Warrantless Wiretapping
>>> Amazingly, the GOP sees this issue as a plus for them. How can 
>>> this be?
>>> What are you, stupid? You find out the government is listening to the
>>> phone calls of US citizens, without even the weakest of judicial
>>> oversight and you think that's okay? Come on -- if you know anything
>>> about history, you know that no government can be trusted to handle
>>> something like this responsibly. One day they're listening for Osama,
>>> and the next they're listening in on Howard Dean.
>>> Think about it: this administration hates unauthorized leaks. With no
>>> judicial oversight, why on earth WOULDN'T they eavesdrop on, say,
>>> Seymour Hersh, to figure out who's spilling the beans? It's a
>>> no-brainer. Speaking of which, it bears repeating: terrorists already
>>> knew we would try to spy on them. They don't care if we have a 
>>> warrant
>>> or not. But you should.
>>> 8. Free Speech Zones
>>> I know it's old news, but... come on, are they fucking serious?
>>> 9. High-ranking Whistleblowers
>>> Army Generals. Top-level CIA officials. NSA operatives. White House
>>> cabinet members. These are the kind of people that Republicans
>>> fantasize about being, and whose judgment they usually respect. 
>>> But for
>>> some reason, when these people resign in protest and criticize the 
>>> Bush
>>> administration en masse, they are cast as traitorous, anti-American
>>> publicity hounds. Ridiculous. The fact is, when people who kill, spy
>>> and deceive for a living tell you that the White House has gone too
>>> far, you had damn well better pay attention. We all know most of 
>>> these
>>> people are staunch Republicans. If the entire military except for the
>>> two guys the Pentagon put in front of the press wants Rumsfeld 
>>> out, why
>>> on earth wouldn't you listen?
>>> 10. The CIA Shakeup
>>> Was Porter Goss fired because he was resisting the efforts of 
>>> Rumsfeld
>>> or Negroponte? No. These appointments all come from the same guys, 
>>> and
>>> they wouldn't be nominated if they weren't on board all the way. Goss
>>> was probably canned so abruptly due to a scandal involving a crooked
>>> defense contractor, his hand-picked third-in-command, the Watergate
>>> hotel and some hookers.
>>> If Bush's nominee for CIA chief, Air Force General Michael Hayden, is
>>> confirmed, that will put every spy program in Washington under 
>>> military
>>> control. Hayden, who oversaw the NSA warrantless wiretapping program
>>> and is clearly down with the program. That program? To weaken and
>>> dismantle or at least neuter the CIA. Despite its best efforts to 
>>> blame
>>> the CIA for "intelligence errors" leading to the Iraq war, the 
>>> picture
>>> has clearly emerged -- through extensive CIA leaks -- that the White
>>> House's analysis of Saddam's destructive capacity was not shared 
>>> by the
>>> Agency. This has proved to be a real pain in the ass for Bush and the
>>> gang.
>>> Who'd have thought that career spooks would have moral qualms about
>>> deceiving the American people? And what is a president to do about 
>>> it?
>>> Simple: make the critical agents leave, and fill their slots with
>>> Bush/Cheney loyalists. Then again, why not simply replace the entire
>>> organization? That is essentially what both Rumsfeld at the DoD and
>>> newly minted Director of National Intelligence John are doing -- they
>>> want to move intelligence analysis into the hands of people that they
>>> can control, so the next time they lie about an "imminent threat"
>>> nobody's going to tell. And the press is applauding the move as a
>>> "necessary reform."
>>> Remember the good old days, when the CIA were the bad guys?
>>> © 2006 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
>>> SOURCE: 
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