> Dot's Information Service Hotline
> "Unbossed and unbought news and information you can use"
> Visit The DISH online at www.thedish.org
> Vol. 9 No 27...Dedicated to the Dialogue on Race... 07-07-06
> ********************************************************
> Table of Contents
> 1. Venue for an Artist...Obesity...By Robert W. Service (1874-1958)
> 2. Phantom Scribbler...The Stuff (1985)
> 3. Science Stranger Than Fiction...By John Burl Smith
> 4. Disgruntled
> 5. Atlanta Vibe...Japan Funk Tour Documentary
> 6. News You Use...GM/GE:  Human Health Hazard?
> 7. Hood Notes...Obesity
> 8. Mailbox
> ********************************
> Venue for an Artist
> Obesity
> By Robert William Service (1874 - 1958)
> With belly like a poisoned pup
> Said I: 'I must give bacon up:
> And also, I profanely fear,
> I must abandon bread and beer
> That make for portliness they say;
> Yet of them copiously today
> I ate with an increasingly sense
> Of grievous corpulence.
> I like a lot of things I like.
> Too bad that I must go on strike
> Against pork sausages and mash,
> Spaghetti and fried corn-beef hash.
> I deem he is a lucky soul
> Who has no need of girth control;
> For in the old of age:
> 'Il faut Souffrir pour etre bean.'
> Yet let me not be unconsoled:
> So many greybeards I behold,
> Distinguished in affairs of state,
> In culture counted with the Great,
> Have tummies with a shameless bulge,
> And so I think I'll still indulge
> In eats I like without a qualm,
> And damn my diaphragm!'
> About Me: Born January 16, 1874,  Service immigrated to Canada in 1896. 
> He
> tried his hands at banking and ranching before discovering his love for 
> the
> written word. His works include Songs of a Sourdough, Ballads of a
> Cheechako, The Trail of 8 and Rhymes of a Rolling Stone.  He died in 1958.
> For more, see www.artdamage.com/service.htm.
> Phantom Scribbler
> The Stuff (1985)
> Pure science fiction, The Stuff (1985) opens with miners discovering white
> goo oozing out of the ground.  It looks like plain yogurt.  Unbelievably,
> they decide to do a taste test.  The stuff tastes good, and the race is on
> to sell this substance of unknown origin and content to a gullible public.
> Overnight, stuff becomes the latest consumer craze.  Multi-million dollar
> advertising campaigns sing its praise.  Everybody, so it seems, is eating
> stuff.  Unfortunately, it has a negative side-effect.  Stuff consumers 
> turn
> into zombies.
> Fearful of the gooey dessert's impact on future corporate profits, the
> world's ice cream manufacturers call in a professional to learn the truth
> about stuff and obtain its apparently addictive formula.  Enter ex-FBI 
> agent
> David 'Mo' Rutherford (Michael Moriarty) turned industrial spy.  Tasked 
> with
> the job of getting stuff's formula, Rutherford teams up with an unlikely
> trio of stuff fighters determined to stop the spread of the dreaded 
> dessert.
> Directed by Larry Cohen, The Stuff co-stars include Andrea Marcovicci as
> Nicole Kendall, an advertising executive concerned about the health 
> effects
> of eating stuff, Scott Bloom as Jason, a kid whose family has turned into
> zombies addicted to the creamy dessert, and Garrett Morris as Chocolate 
> Chip
> Charlie, a martial arts master pissed over the loss of his cookie company 
> in
> a hostile takeover.
> Movie critics panned The Stuff, even though it was entertaining and made
> important statements about senseless consumerism and the ineffectiveness 
> of
> government regulatory agencies in safeguarding the public health against
> dangerous substances being sold by well-funded organizations.  With the
> advent of genetically-modified (GM) foods, hormone-treated meats, 
> processed
> foodstuffs and chemicals galore being used and consumed by the public,
> coupled with lax government oversight, The Stuff's messages deserve a 
> second
> look.  But, don't expect to find this little gem on your local video 
> store's
> shelf.
> Science Stranger Than Fiction
> By John Burl Smith
> Ironically, sometimes maxims like "Art imitates life or truth is stranger
> than fiction"  take on the power of prophecy.  An email received June 21,
> 2006 entitled Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table verified for me the 
> validity
> of these maxims, like a soothsayer.  A report on Dr. Henk Haagsman,
> Department of the Science of Food of Animal Origin, Faculty of Veterinary
> Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands gave scientific relevance to 
> a
> strange fiction that had lived in my head since 1998.
> Conjuring up images of Frankenstein, as I read that Dr. Haagsman, a highly
> respected Veterinary Biochemist, who has published over 80 scientific 
> papers
> on cardiovascular research, the pulmonary surfactant system, regulation of
> proteolytic systems in muscle cells and innate mucosal defense systems of
> the gastro-intestinal tract, was growing meat for human consumption in
> test-tubes.  Currently, Professor of Meat Science, he is the recipient of 
> a
> 2 million euro ($2.5 million) grant from the Dutch government to grow
> artificial pork meat from pig stem cells. They hope to grow minced meat
> suitable for making burgers, sausages and pizza toppings in a few years.
> Incredibly, this is where the stranger than fiction and imitating life
> maxims upstaged reality.  Back in 1998, Dot, my wife, had a dream that I
> believed would make an excellent plot for a novel.  I desired a novel in
> Archangel: A Hip Hop Vision of Love and the Battle of Good vs Evil, (which
> will be released by PublishAmerica this fall) that made statements on the
> order of The Stuff (1985) and that timeless classic Soylent Green (1973).
> Archangel's plot involves Nazi scientists, who, while experimenting on 
> Jews,
> learned to grow meat in the laboratory.  These scientists are brought to 
> the
> United States after the war ends by a group of Americans who supported 
> Adolf
> Hitler and wants to recreate his terror in the US.  With concentration 
> camps
> out of the question, they plan to produce fast food from Nazi 
> test-tube-meat
> called "New Grub" to eliminate poor and black people in America.
> Although a fiction, background for the plot is drawn from the turbulent
> 1960s and 70s, when I led a black power group called the Invaders in
> Memphis, Tennessee.  The stranger than fiction Nazi scenario is based on
> Prescott Bush, the grandfather of Pres. George W. Bush.  While a partner 
> at
> Brown Brothers Harriman, he managed Union Banking Corporation, a Nazi 
> front
> business, as well as helped bring former Nazis to the US after the war.
> Archangel's thesis is that, like a collage, life sometimes brings 
> seemingly
> unrelated events together, morphing historical and scientific facts by
> recasting them into an artful imitation of reality that is neither quite
> clearly fact nor entirely fiction, real or imagined, true or false, art or
> life.
> Consequently, totally unaware of Dr. Haagsman's research, as I wrote
> Archangel,  never in the wildest science fiction rattling around in my 
> head
> did I think test-tube-meat was actually being grown for human consumption.
> Passionate and suspenseful, Archangel was written to fit squarely in the
> romance-mystery genre not Sci-fi.  It is all about boy meeting girl and 
> the
> evil that lurks in the shadows behind every decision.  What to do? is the
> question that weighs heavily on every fateful move, as the hope for true
> love hangs in the balance for our hero and heroine. Now, the plausibility 
> of
> Archangel's far-fetched backdrop has gained validity with Dr. Haagsman's
> research.  It seems in real life, science may truly be the evolution of
> fiction.
> Laboratory grown meat has a monstrously evil intend in Archangel.  If
> "frankenmeat" is like other genetically engineered foods, it will hit
> supermarket shelves before we know about it.  Once presented by the 
> powerful
> food manufacturing lobby as a cheap alternative that gives poorer 
> consumers
> choice and a means of stretching limited food dollars, there will be no
> turning back.  Then, the stranger than fiction test-tube "New Grub"
> imitating life scenario so artfully fictionalized in Archangel will come
> alive with ominous implications for poor and black people worldwide.
> Disgruntled feels: Collusion!  Earlier this year, the BBC reported on the
> behind-the-scene machinations of vaccine industry officials in shaping
> legislation to shield them from lawsuits filed by people hurt or killed by
> their drugs and the compliance of congressional GOP leaders Senator Bill
> Frist and Rep. Dennis Hastert in inserting anti-liability language in a
> defense spending bill.  The deal was sealed without debate.   On June 30,
> 2006, the FDA's "Final Rule" went into effect.  The rule asserts that
> consumers cannot sue drug companies for the harm caused by any 
> FDA-approved
> drug.  Annually, FDA-approved prescription drugs and devices injure and 
> kill
> millions of people.  With this lethal history, any legislation or 
> regulatory
> measure that ties the hands of consumers and prevents them from seeking
> legal redress is the result of collusion and should be ruled
> unconstitutional.
> Disgruntled says:  According to George W. Bush, "...free nations are
> peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't
> develop weapons of mass destruction."  When he made this declaration, the
> audience applauded.  The USA is  considered a free and democratic nation.
> While it has not attacked another nation it considers "free and 
> democratic,"
> the US has had no problem threatening and attacking nations it has labeled
> undemocratic.  Moreover, as the world's sole superpower, it possesses the
> deadliest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction; weapons it developed.
> Lest we forget, the US is the only nation that has dropped atomic bombs,
> killing and maiming millions.  Sometimes, many people in the US applaud 
> this
> kind of Bush rhetoric without thinking about how ridiculous it sounds and
> its utter lack of truthfulness.
> Disgruntled wants to know:  Under the pretext of desiring to rescue a lone
> kidnaped soldier, Israel launched an armed assault against the West Bank 
> and
> Gaza Strip, destroying vital Palestinian infrastructure, including
> electrical power plants.   It is generally agreed, such actions amount to
> collective punishment, which is illegal under international law.  So, 
> where
> is the collective international outrage and threats to impose United 
> Nations
> Security Council sanctions against Israel?
> Atlanta Vibe
> Japan Funk Tour Documentary
> Putting the world on notice, like North Korea's missile program, Yohannes
> Sharriff and Aqiyl Thomas are back!
> Greeted with more anticipation than the second season of the Chappell 
> Show,
> the team that brought you the groundbreaking spoken word play The Block 
> and
> the first World Party in Munich, Germany presents Japan Funk Tour 2005.
> Documenting their historical tour of Japan in which they opened for Zapp 
> and
> P Funk, Japan Funk Tour 2005 provides a rare opportunity to journey 
> through
> the heart of Tokyo and get a taste of life on tour.
> On Sunday evening (July 23, 2006), before the hottest open mic in the city
> begins (Free Forum Xchange), join two of Atlanta's finest spoken word
> artists for one of the most provocative tour documentaries ever filmed.
> Come join the celebration at the Apache Café, 64 3rd Street in downtown
> Atlanta.   The viewing begins at 6:30 PM.
> For more info, hit up Aqiyl Thomas at www.myspace.com/aqiylthomas  or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and Yohannes Sharriff at www.myspace.com/yohasha or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Special thanks: Kimani of Free Forum Xchange, Asa Fain
> owner of Apache Café, OmniBlue Systems, www.thedish.org  and the Atlanta
> Vibe.
> News You Use
> GM/GE:  Human Health Hazard?
> According to a March 2001 Center for Disease Control report, food was
> responsible for twice the number of illnesses in the USA compared to 1984
> estimates.  This increase roughly corresponded to the period Americans 
> began
> eating genetically modified (GM) foods.  The question is, are genetically
> modified foods contributing factors in increased deaths and
> hospitalizations, the national obesity epidemic and/or rise in lymphatic
> cancers?
> While people continue to get sick and die, we do not know why or what
> connection there is, if any, to the consumption of GM foods.  According to
> Dr. Arpad Pusztai www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/a.pusztai/, who has conducted
> research and lectured on GM food, these crops are being grown and consumed
> by the public even though there is little scientific study on their health
> risks.  While scientists suspect these foods can carry unpredictable 
> toxins
> and may increase the risk of allergenic reactions, the available 
> technology
> to assess their potential harm remains inadequate.
> The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting public comments on 
> the
> commercial approval of a genetically engineered (GE) plum, known as "C5."
> If approved, C5 will be the first commercially released GE tree variety in
> the US and the first GE fruit approved for human consumption.  Approval 
> will
> pave the way for more GE food and tree varieties and guarantee the
> widespread genetic contamination of conventional and organic stone fruit
> varieties, including plums, peaches, cherries and apricots.
> Since commercial approvals of GE soy, corn, cotton, and canola almost a
> decade ago, grassroots activists have effectively stopped new approvals of
> GE crops. Genetically Engineered crops have contaminated organic varieties
> and contributed to the corporate takeover of the seed supply.
> To join other grassroots activists in efforts to stop frankenplums, 
> contact
> the USDA today.  Online at www.organicconsumers.org/plum_alert.htm, you 
> can
> sign the petition to the USDA and demand strict health, safety and
> environmental testing of all GE crops.
> Hood Notes
> Obesity
> Obesity is a risk for any number of health conditions, including heart
> disease and diabetes.  It is frequently associated with chronic fatigue,
> depression and low self-esteem. According to the World Health Organization
> (WHO), there are more than 300 million obese adults and 1.1 billion
> overweight people worldwide.
> In the United States, more than half of the adult population is overweight
> (64.5 percent) and nearly one-third (30.5 percent) are obese. Obesity 
> among
> adults is one of the non-modifiable causes of childhood obesity cited by 
> the
> National Institute of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
> Genetically, obesity has been found in the children of obese or overweight
> parents.
> Since 1980, the percentage of overweight children has more than doubled.
> Over this period, obesity among adolescents has more than tripled. Factors
> that contribute to childhood obesity cited  by the CDC and NIH include a
> lack of regular physical activity, eating habits and patterns, low family
> incomes, lack of recreational facilities and over-exposure to advertising 
> of
> high-calorie foods.  Ironically, none of the obesity factors cited 
> includes
> genetically-modified foods, hormone-treated meat and other animal
> by-products, including cheese and milk, from animals that ingest growth
> hormones.
> Except for genetics, what we get from our parents, the other factors cited
> as causes of obesity can be modified.  The CDC, NIH and other 
> organizations
> have developed strategies to impact these factors that include greater
> emphasis on physical education programs in public schools and healthy
> choices in food and beverages outside school lunches.  For more about 
> these
> strategies and other information about obesity, see www.nlm.nih.gov,
> www.obesity.org and www.cdc.gov.
> Mailbox: E-Mails, Faxes and Phone Calls
> Email www.legitgov.org  Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11,
> Lawyers Say 30 Jun 2006 The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. 
> to
> help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the 
> Sept.
> 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New 
> York
> federal court. "The Bush Administration asserted this became necessary 
> after
> 9/11,'' plaintiff's lawyer Carl Mayer said in a telephone interview. "This
> undermines that assertion.''
> Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Checking the Decider...By Eugene Robinson for
> the Washington Post, June 30, 2006: Finally.  It seemed almost too much to
> hope for, but the Supreme Court finally called George W. Bush onto the
> carpet and asked him the obvious question: What part of "rule of law" do 
> you
> not understand?  The justices rejected the kangaroo-court tribunals the
> administration had planned for the detainees who have been held for years
> without charges at Guantanamo Bay -- proceedings engineered to have the
> appearance of due process but not the substance. The ruling is a
> complicated, nuanced set of concurrences and dissents that will take some
> time to fully digest, but the fundamental message is clear: Despite his
> outrageous claims of virtually unlimited presidential power, the
> self-proclaimed Decider doesn't get to decide everything.
> The solution to the below is so obvious and simple:
> Email www.cnn.com Canada confirmed on Tuesday its sixth case of mad cow
> disease and said it would investigate where the cow was born and what 
> other
> animals may have eaten the same feed.  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency
> said test results confirmed what was suspected last week. The animal was 
> at
> least 15 years of age, and was born before Canada implemented restrictions
> on potentially dangerous feed in 1997.  Mad cow disease is believed to
> spread through feed, when cows eat the contaminated tissue of other 
> cattle.
> Humans can get a related disease, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, in
> similar fashion - by eating meat contaminated with mad cow.
> Email www.organicconsumers.org Study Says Mad Cow Epidemic May Be
> Incubating...A new study in The Lancet medical journal (UK) suggest 
> variant
> Creutzfelt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the human variant of mad cow disease, may
> not peak in the human population for several decades, by which time many
> thousands of beef eaters and hospital patients (who) have received tainted
> blood transfusions could die.  The study shows how Kuru, a similar fatal
> brain-wasting prion disease in New Guinea, has been found to have an
> incubation people of 35 to 41 years.  Researchers suspect it could be 
> longer
> for vCJD because the infection is transmitted between species, from cows 
> to
> humans.  The 160 fatal human cases of the disease that have already 
> surfaced
> around the world could represent a distinct genetic subgroup of the
> population with an unusually short incubation period, according to John
> Collinge, the study leader and a professor at University College, London.

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