-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        The dark side of plastics.
Date:   Mon, 4 Sep 2006 22:40:33 -0500
From:   Chris de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The dark side of plastics.


Vom Saal is a Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri.
A leading researcher in the field of developmental biology, Vom Saal has
studied the effects of both natural and synthetic hormones at extremely
low doses. His studies have shown that extremely low doses of hormones
can permanently alter development of the reproductive system in mice. He
has also studied how manmade chemicals, including plastics, can mimic
hormones at extremely low doses.

DH: You've said that the doses at which hormones affect the body are
extremely low. Give me an example to make me understand that.

FvS: The issue of the amount of hormone that actually causes effects is
very difficult for scientists to talk to people about because we're
dealing with numbers that are outside of the frame of reference that
anybody is going to be thinking about. We see changes, profound changes,
in the course of development of essentially the whole body of
experimental animals, and we're working with mice and rats, and we see
these changes at fifty femtograms of the hormone per milliliter of
blood. That's 0.05 trillionths of a gram of this hormone in a milliliter
of blood.

DH: And what sort of effect does it have?

    FvS: We see changes in the functioning of the prostate. We see
dramatic change in the sprouting of glands within the fetal prostate. We
see changes in testicular sperm production. We see changes in the
structure of the endocrine control region in the brain, which is
accompanied by changes in sex behavior, aggression, the way these
animals behave towards infants, their whole social interaction, the way
they age, the time that they enter puberty, the age at which they cease
reproduction. It changes their entire life history, and these changes
are capable of occurring at very low levels of hormones.
I remember when we first did this and I was a post doctoral fellow, and
my advisor and I looked at the hormone levels and said, "My God, these
levels are so staggeringly small and the consequences are so immense
it's amazing." Even to biologists, it's amazing.

But what you have is the entire field of toxicology thinking of a
millionth of a gram of a hormone or a chemical as being this
staggeringly tiny amount, and to most people if I said there's only a
millionth of a gram of it here you'd say, "How can it do anything?" A
millionth of a gram of estradiol in blood is toxic. The natural hormone
is actually operating at something like a hundred million times lower
than that. So when you have a physiologist thinking of a millionth of a
gram, you have that physiologist thinking this is a toxic high dose.
When you are raised in the field of toxicology you are looking at that
from the other perspective of "My gosh, that's such a tiny dose, it
couldn't do anything."

So now what we have are two different fields coming into this issue and
looking at a dose as either staggeringly high or staggeringly low, and
it's not surprising that there is a clash occurring with regard to dose

DH: Can you again describe the results, the developmental effects in
your laboratory mice, that you are seeing with these unbelievably small
changes in hormone levels?

FvS: We published a paper just a few months ago in the "Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences" in which we experimentally elevated
estradiol levels in mouse fetuses during the period when their
reproductive organs were forming. And what we did was we experimentally
elevated estradiol by one tenth of one trillionth of a gram of estradiol
in a milliliter of blood. We estimate that we're increasing estradiol by
about one molecule of estradiol per cell in the body. Okay? The
consequence of this is that at the end of the first day of development
of the prostate in the male fetuses we could see dramatic change in the
sprouting of prostate glands. We rendered the prostate abnormally
enlarged, and this was detectable within twenty-four hours of the
beginning of its embryonic development. And when we looked at these
treated animals as adults, that difference had persisted. They had
abnormally enlarged prostates that were hyper-responsive to hormones.

Now, prostate disease is for every male in this country and for every
male in the world a very, very serious concern. It's the largest bill to
the medical community. It's the most prevalent disease of aging in
humans. Seventy percent of men, by the time you're seventy years old,
will have an abnormally enlarged prostate. We caused this to happen at
the first day of embryonic life with that change in estradiol. That's
how sensitive embryonic organs are to these staggeringly tiny changes in

DH: How might the changes you are seeing in mice relate to prostate disease?

FvS: With this experimental manipulation in mouse fetuses, we have
caused the prostate of the mouse to become enlarged. And it would appear
that this is an animal that's then going to have a higher probability of
developing a clinically enlarged prostate that's going to cause it
physical problems as it ages, because as the prostate gets bigger and
bigger it squeezes down on the urethra and you can't urinate. And if you
don't fix that you'll die.

DH: These hormone levels you're talking about are inconceivably low,
staggeringly low. How do we even begin to measure them?

FvS: For some chemicals, and for some hormones, the technical capacity
to measure them is actually less sensitive than the body's ability to
detect them. We've been working with a chemical, bisphenol-A. It's what
polycarbonate plastic, hard plastics, are made out of: CD's, the plastic
in your glasses' lens, milk containers, baby bottles. It's the chemical
that they use to line cans with, it's the chemical they put on your
teeth as a sealant and it is a very potent estrogen. It mimics the
hormone that women produce in their ovaries, and it mimics this hormone
estradiol that is actually being produced in fetuses and during
pregnancy that is a major coordinator

or an alligator or any other animal.

Estradiol plays a critical role in development and then normal
functioning of the body for the rest of an individual's life. The amount
of estradiol you're exposed to throughout your life is also the best
predictor of breast cancer. This chemical mimics that hormone. The body
can't tell the difference between bisphenol-A and estradiol. In other
words, it sees this chemical and it thinks it's getting exposed to its
natural hormone.

DH: So you're saying that the hormone that has the clearest link to
breast cancer, the hormone that is responsible for sexual development in
any animal or human, is found in plastics?

FvS: Absolutely. The plastic materials, if they are polycarbonates, are
made with this chemical bisphenol-A. And you can think of polycarbonate
as a house made of bricks. Essentially you take this brick, this
building block, which is bisphenol-A, and you link it together with
other bisphenol-A molecules. That's a polymerization reaction. The
bisphenol-A is the monomer used to construct these plastic materials.
When it's attached to another one, that forms a polymer. And
unfortunately in the process of making these plastics not all of the
bisphenol-A gets linked together. So you put your food or other material
in the plastic and it absorbs the unreacted bisphenol-A into it. And now
in your food is a sex hormone.

DH: And what are you finding to be the effect?

FvS: Okay, the chemical bisphenol-A passes out of the plastic or out of
the dental sealant that's put on your child's teeth or out of the lining
of cans, into the food or liquid that's in contact with the plastic. Now
the important point about detection by instrumentation of the
bisphenol-A is that, based on our research, the ability of the current
instruments used to monitor for bisphenol-A in food is a much lower
level of detection than what our animals are able to detect. It's a huge
difference as a matter of fact. So that you can put food that you have
in contact with plastic into a chemical analysis and say there is no
plastic material there. We extract from that same food, put it into
animals and we get a big effect. The animals are more sensitive to the
chemicals than the machinery. So detection limits, where people say our
machine didn't detect this, doesn't mean it's not there and doesn't mean
that it won't damage your baby. We have shown that in our experiments.

DH: So the plastics we use in daily life, the baby bottles, the food
containers, leach chemicals into the food at levels that cause effects
in lab animals?

FvS: One of the things that we started doing a number of years ago is we
started looking at the effects of the materials that plastics are made
out of in cell culture. We used human cells to see how responsive these
cells were to these chemicals, and at what doses the chemicals could
influence human cells to start growing and doing things differently. So,
in other words, we're getting biological responses out of the cells and
we were astonished at the incredibly small amounts of these chemicals
that were actually able to alter human cell function.

So what we did in mice was based on the studies using human cells. We
know that mouse cells are essentially identical to human cells in the
way that they respond to these hormones. That's been known actually for
quite a long time. So we used our information from human cells to then
start treating animals with these very, very low doses of estrogenic
chemicals found in plastics. So we had mechanistic information that
really directed us towards very low doses.

Now one of the surprising things is that when we started looking into
the literature concerning the amounts of these chemicals that were being
released into food from plastic containers, and we compared that to the
doses active in our cell culture studies, they were the same doses. But
they were also doses that the toxicological community was saying were
absolutely safe.

And so we looked into the bases of how could they say these doses were
safe when our studies were saying that they wouldn't be safe. And the
answer is they had never actually tested those doses. They had tested
higher doses and then, based on assumptions about how the systems should
work, they just said the lower doses must be safe. But there were no
actual experiments that had ever tested to see if that was true. So we
did something that had never been done. We started doing animal
experiments at these very low doses, where our cell culture experiments
had said these chemicals would cause effects. We actually administered
these chemicals at the amount that we're consuming them. The average
person in the United States is consuming these chemicals from plastics
at the levels we administered them to pregnant mice.

DH: And what did you find?

FvS: For the males, decreased sperm count and enlarged prostates. The
treatment altered virtually every aspect of the reproductive system. The
place next to the testes, the duct system called the epididymis where
the sperm are stored prior to being ejaculated -- it was abnormally
small, which could account also for lowered sperm count in the
ejaculate. But we know also the testis is making fewer sperm. We see
changes in growth rate as well. One of the interesting things is that
these very low doses of estrogen increase rates of growth. The animals
were actually growing larger than they would have normally. It was
really quite a dramatic effect. The females went into puberty early. And
we saw changes in behavior, changes in reactivity to the presence of
other animals in the environment. Essentially the animals looked to be
somewhat hyper-reactive to stimuli. We have, in other words, effects on
brain and behavior. We're also seeing changes in liver enzyme activity
which determines the way we respond to external chemicals, how fast we
clear drugs, how we metabolize drugs.

In other words, in every aspect of physiology that we look for, we see
effects. And they're permanent. And the important thing about what I'm
talking about is we are only exposing babies to these chemicals for
very, very short periods of time in development and the consequences are
for the rest of the life of that individual. Once you change the
development of an organ there is no way to undo that effect. It's a life
sentence -- that's a lifetime consequence. Medical science can't undo
the development of organs.

DH: And you're finding that organs are affected at levels as low as
those that are leaching into our food from common plastics?

FvS: That's correct. The evidence provided by industry concerning the
levels of plastic materials that are coming out of plastic into food
that is put into a plastic container is, in fact, causing an effect in
experimental studies. We're putting those levels into developing mice
and we're altering, profoundly, the development of mice.

The reason the industry reported these data is that they were convinced
that they could say, "Oh see, we're dealing with a billionth of a gram
of these chemicals per gram of food." They thought it was such a small
number that it couldn't possibly matter. Well, human cells respond to
this chemical bisphenol-A at ten times lower than that. And that's been
shown by at least four major independent academic laboratories and is
now being repeated within the chemical industry itself. We understand
now, with new techniques, that, in fact, cells are extremely responsive
to these chemicals. This is information that people didn't have seven or
eight years ago.

DH: But what you're saying stands what we currently know about
toxicology on its head.

FvS: In science, this is called a paradigm inversion. The paradigm is
the way people are doing things, and then periodically information comes
along that says it's upside down, it's backwards, and if you ask the
question a different way you get a totally different outcome. And
whenever this happens, there is a convulsion in the field that is being
turned upside down and there's a very documented series of responses
because this has happened over and over through science. It's not the
first time that the fundamental tenets of a field of science have been
shown to be wrong, and the first thing is absolute denial. The second is
a feeling that it may be true, but it's only true in very limited
circumstances. The third is, it's true but the economic consequences are
so great that we can't do anything about it. Just time after time, the
response to these kinds of changes follows a very distinct pattern.

DH: And where are we now in that pattern?

FvS: Well, it's very interesting where we are in the progression. As of
a year ago, people were saying the data from my colleagues and I stands
alone and we can't believe it. In the last few months there have been a
whole series of papers essentially confirming effects of this chemical
bisphenol-A way below all of the published, absolutely "safe" level
amounts that were in place in all the government regulatory agencies. So
now, all of a sudden, we have three independent labs and also
information coming out of institutions associated with the chemical
industry that are saying, "Oops, got a problem here."

We have to be beyond the denial phase, because in science independent
replication to the order of two, three, four times takes it out of the
realm of impossible. When one person shows it, it may not replicate.
Replication in science is critical. That's happened. So now what we're
getting to is: well this is maybe true here but it can't be true
everywhere else.

This is where you get to the issue of the endocrine system. It operates
through mechanisms that are hard for people to really accept. The way
estrogen works in a fish and the way it works in an alligator and a frog
and a bird and a mouse and a woman is no different. That's been known
for decades. Molecular biologists refer to this as incredible, extreme
conservation of a fundamental system to life and you muck around with it
and essentially it takes you out of existence. And so the assumption for
this kind of system is that it's so profoundly central to life and
reproduction that it has been subjected to only the most minor changes,
so that this is a system that essentially works the same in everyone.
And the important consequence of that is that if we're seeing these
kinds of effects in experimental animals, we can't assume that humans
aren't going to experience the same kind of consequence of this. And it
also means that we have to begin thinking about the consequences of the
amounts of these chemicals that humans are exposed to and the effects
they can cause in people based on the work that we're now seeing in
experimental animals.

DH: Could I just get you to repeat that in simpler terms?

FvS: OK. If you look at the fish or the human or the frog or the bird at
the earliest stages of embryonic development, when the reproductive
organs are forming, you're hard pressed to tell them apart. And if I
were to show you the developing prostate in a human at the very
beginning of its development, and the developing prostate in a mouse at
the beginning of its development, you wouldn't tell them apart. And at
the functional level they're essentially identical.

DH: One of your colleagues actually stumbled onto this problem with
plastics. How did that happen?

FvS: Well, it's a fascinating detective story. At Tufts University, they
were doing the same types of studies that we have been doing with human
cells: culturing them and then looking at the ability of the cells to
respond to chemicals in the environment. They had purchased some new
test tubes and the test tubes were made of polystyrene plastic, and the
cells that we're using to detect estrogens require estrogens to grow and
to proliferate, to go through development. And they put the cells in
these test tubes and they started growing. And so the natural assumption
was, "Somebody spilled some chemical in the lab that is infiltrating all
of our cultures, and oh my gosh this is a disaster." Contaminated labs
are a real serious problem.

Instead, after months and months of work, they realized that the lab was
absolutely clean and that it was the test tube that was causing the
cells to grow. So they called up Dow Corning, from whom they had
purchased these test tubes, and said, "Your test tubes are causing our
estrogen-responsive cells to grow. They must be releasing an estrogen.
What could that be?" And Dow Corning said, "We won't tell you. We won't
tell anybody what's in our products." And I'll come back to this because
this is an extremely critical issue with regard to knowing what
chemicals we're exposed to. Because the chemical industry will not
inform scientists or the public what the chemicals in the products we're
using are, and so it took months of work, of chemical analysis of these
plastics, to realize that it's an additive material.

It's an antioxidant that stops discoloration of the plastic and it's
added to the plastic to stop it from discoloring, and it's present in
soaps, detergents, hand creams, vaginal creams. It's used in loads of
different types of products. This same chemical is also used as an
antioxidant in plastics. And it's a potent enough estrogen that when you
put human cells into a plastic material made of polystyrene, but it's
got this additive material in it, it can cause human breast cells to
start proliferating. That's not a good thing.

DH: Could it be cancer causing?

FvS: Well, you can't have breast cancer if you don't have enough
estrogen to cause the breast cells to undergo differentiation in
development. Women who, at a young age, have their ovaries taken out and
their estrogen levels reduced don't get breast cancer. It's an
estrogen-dependent disease, and the amount of estrogen you're exposed to
through your life is the best predictor of the likelihood of getting
breast cancer. So from an epidemiological point of view, if you can
account for something in the environment that's going to elevate a
woman's lifetime exposure to estrogen, the evidence is clear that that
is a risk factor. We don't understand what causes breast cancer, but it
is a factor in the probability of getting breast cancer.

DH: And this is coming from soaps, creams, plastics that are in our
daily lives?

FvS: That's correct When you take this plastic material at levels way
below what the government in the United States and in Europe has deemed
a safe daily intake amount, and for just eleven days you administer that
to a rat, you get dramatic increases in breast proliferation, in breast
cell proliferation. And the conclusion of these authors who just
published this in a major scientific journal a few months ago is that
there is absolutely no doubt that extensive proliferation of breast
cells is a recognized risk factor for breast cancer.

DH This issue can't be talked about without getting into politics, it
seems. Why is that?

FvS: The political aspects of dealing with the endocrine disrupter issue
have really altered the course of what is happening dramatically. If we
were dealing with a topic that didn't have incredible economic
consequences, there wouldn't be the kind of resistance to what we're
talking about right now. Paradigm shifts in science are always
difficult, but if they only impact a scientific issue that impacts a few
scientists that are wedded to an idea, the general scientific community
is going to look at it and say, "Gosh, this really makes sense." The
transition is going to be relatively easy.

In the case of the endocrine disrupter issue, where the chemical that
we're publishing about happens to be one of the fifty top chemicals made
in the United States, it is worth billions of dollars to a few major
corporations such as General Electric, Shell Oil, Dow Chemical. Each of
them makes billions of dollars from this chemical. That's what I hear.
And the consequence of that is that if there is a shift in the
government's approach to regulating this chemical, it could impact
billions of dollars of profits. So instead of just looking at the
scientific issues, now you have this huge force that has tremendous
influence over the way our government operates -- and everybody
recognizes the amount of money spent in lobbying is somehow related to
legislation. I don't think that's a wild assumption anymore. And so you
have this tremendous infrastructure of industry trade groups arguing
that we don't know enough yet to do anything of a regulatory nature
based on the scientific findings.

And my response to that is for billions of dollars of products and
profits, how much information will you ever need to get to the point
where you know enough? And my attitude is, essentially, as far as those
industries are concerned, never. And the model for that is tobacco.
Because it has been clearly known within the tobacco institutes and the
tobacco manufacturers for at least, now we know, three decades that
these are cancer causing. It's addictive, but that wasn't going to be a
factor in them doing business.

DH: There's just not enough known here to assume that the industry is
following those traditional patterns.

FvS: There is an important distinction between what we're doing right
now and what was done by the tobacco industry thirty years ago. For
thirty years, let's say, the tobacco manufacturers have clearly
understood the extreme negative health consequences of smoking, and they
lied and they hid that from the public. It's very clear that the people
who manufactured these plastic materials twenty years ago thought they
were safe.

What we are now in is this paradigm inversion that I've taken you
through, where what you do is you step through these sequences of
denial: now we accept it, but it's limited, but it's going to cost too
much. What you have now is clearly enough scientific information to
warrant concern and a change in the regulatory approach to these
chemicals. You have at least six major laboratories essentially
concordant with the findings concerning how potent, one, this chemical
really is.

If that information had been known at the time that this chemical was
first put into commerce, it would not have been put into commerce,
alright? But because it already is in commerce, and chemical industries
have a huge stake in maintaining their market share using this chemical,
how do they now respond to evidence that it really is not a chemical
that you would want your baby to be exposed to? We're still in the
attack phase.

Dow Chemical sent a representative down to my lab a number of months ago
and essentially asked if there were a mutually beneficial outcome that
we could arrive at where I held off publishing the information about
this chemical until they had repeated my studies, and after repeating my
studies approval for publication was received by all the plastic

DH: They were trying to buy you off?

FvS: We didn't get to anywhere beyond that. My response was, "Do you
have a scientific criticism that would justify not publishing this
paper?" Because if anybody can ever provide a valid scientific criticism
on the research that I've done, that would be a reason not to publish an
article. But this was research funded through the National Institutes of
Health. I have an absolute obligation to take public money and report
the findings from research conducted with those public funds. To not do
so would be a gross violation of professional ethics, and I don't need
to tell you would be totally inappropriate.

So I don't know what mutually beneficial outcome they were thinking
about, but there was no beneficial outcome that I would have found
acceptable and so I simply shut that conversation off. But clearly that
was an example where they would have preferred that the information not
be seen by the general community, and not be discussed about in this format.

DH: Dow Chemical said this didn't happen. There may have been a
misunderstanding, or whatever, but they certainly weren't trying to
influence your research.

FvS: Well, if you say that Dow says this didn't happen, there were a
number of other people in the room during this conversation and I wrote
a letter to the Food and Drug Administration documenting the
conversation in detail. Quite a detailed letter that was sent to the
government with copies all through my university hierarchy.

I never received a letter back from anybody at Dow suggesting that there
was anything in that letter that wasn't exactly as it had happened
which, again, was also witnessed by numerous other people. If they have
any problem with what I am saying here, they can deal with that however
they want. What I am saying is exactly what happened and could be
corroborated by a number of other people who were in the room and heard

DH: Why would they do this?

FvS: I was stunned. I can't answer for the people who would have made
that decision. It was a stupid decision as far as I am concerned. I
can't imagine how they would have thought I would do something like
that. It was totally inappropriate. Scientists simply don't put away
their findings until industry lawyers decide it is appropriate for them
to publish.

But it does raise an absolutely critical issue that when an industry
funds "science" -- I put "science" in quotes there because there is an
inherent contradiction. Science is the pursuit of knowledge and the
dissemination of that knowledge. Industry typically puts constraints on
the ability to disseminate that information.

The chemical industry has shown an absolute unwillingness to give any
money not attached to strings where they control the process of putting
together the experiments and then publishing the experiments. And that
is just unacceptable. And this is a perfect example of what would happen
if I had a contractual arrangement with them that allowed them to shut
me down in terms of providing you with the information I am providing to

What we have been calling for, in the scientific community, for a number
of years is for the chemical industry to set up a mechanism to give
money to address the basic issues of how chemicals work without
controlling the design of the experiments and the ability to publish the
work once the research has been done

DH: Do you think that Steve Safe is close-minded to the truth?

FvS: I think what you have is a complex web where what is the cause of
what behavior is impossible to sort out. He was adamantly opposed to the
concept of endocrine disrupters. So who did the chemical industry give
money to? Stephen Safe. They are not funding me. So one of the important
issues here is, did the fact that he then received that money in any way
contribute to his unwillingness to look at the accumulation of
scientific evidence and alter this absolute position that he had locked
himself into?

Science is the pursuit of knowledge. Nobody has a crystal ball to look
down the line and see where the science is going. And if, in fact, over
the last four years all of these experiments that people are probably
talking about on this program had been negative, with regard to effects
of endocrine disrupters, we probably wouldn't be here having this
conversation. Because there would be nothing to talk about.

But Steve Safe, while taking money from the chemical industry, still
rejects entirely the possibility of endocrine disruption, if you in fact
believe what he wrote in "The New England Journal of Medicine" where he
refers to the possibility of this as a phobia -- an irrational fear. I
think that most scientists looking at the totality of data here would
certainly not call concern about endocrine disruption an irrational fear.

So let's say you get a million dollars and it comes into your lab and
you set up an infrastructure based on that million dollars. And people's
jobs depend on you. There are pressures associated with maintaining the
funding and keeping that environment going, and anybody who would claim
that getting money has no influence on your behavior I just think is not
making a credible argument. I don't think anybody would accept that as a
legitimate argument.

The next issue, then, does it cause you to lie? And I am not suggesting
that anybody is overtly lying. You don't need to do that in science. It
is very easy for someone who understands the way a system works to set
up an experiment to find exactly what you want to find.

When the amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act were passed and the
Food Quality Protection Act was passed, industry knew that there was a
mandate that within a two-year period of time there had to be a whole
new method of testing environmental endocrine structures. Not because
industry wanted to, but because Congress said, "This must be on our desk
in two years or there is going to be hell to pay."

What you have is something very different when the chemical industry is
funding people to provide information about chemicals in commerce, and
then that information goes into determining whether that chemical is
actually allowed to be used in products or not allowed to be used in
products -- when that is based on the outcome of those experiments. And
that is the type of research we want separated from industry control.
The industry should also be putting money into basic mechanisms of which
systems are appropriate to test chemicals and these sort of foundation

The problem is that all chemical screening is controlled by industry
hiring contract labs to screen those chemicals, and then that
information doesn't go through intermediates. It goes directly to
corporations through their legal departments. And then they decide
whether to provide it to the government or not. They decide whether the
outcomes are adverse. That could be very subjective. And they just say,
"Well, we didn't provide this information because we didn't think it was
a problem."

I essentially don't trust the system because every time you look into
it, you find that there is abuse. Because we are dealing with chemicals
that are worth billions of dollars, and that kind of money inherently

DH: Steve Safe says if he has had any PR impact it is only infinitesimal
compared to the effect that others, including yourself, have had in this
issue of endocrine disruption.

FvS: The issue of impact is very difficult to assess. What is very clear
to me is that what industry has done is they have found a very effective
spokesman in one person who travels extensively around the world
presenting this issue as being debated broadly by members of the
scientific community who disagree with the possibility that chemicals in
the environment may pose a threat to health, and other scientists who
think there could be a problem.

DH: There are an awful lot of dissenting voices: Nobel Laureates that we
have talked to, others who think it is an interesting hypothesis but
don't feel that there is anywhere near enough information now to
completely accept this hypothesis. We are still very much in a discovery

FvS: You are saying you are interviewing Nobel Laureates, for instance.
One of the problems is in this field the information is moving extremely
quickly. If you don't do this type of work, you may know what is
currently going on behind the scenes in your field, but none of the
people you are talking to probably are, themselves, involved in research
in this field. And so they are playing catch-up with information that
may be two years out of date.

Because what we are finding is that people come in with an immense
amount of skepticism, do an experiment, and go, "My god, I never would
have imagined getting this outcome." And then they change their ideas
when they see the data.

DH: Isn't it hard to assess where this issue really stands, from where
you sit? You certainly are at the cutting edge, which is an exciting
place to be in science. But people who are the deepest into it don't
always have the clearest perspective. Might you be in the wrong position
to really know where we are?

FvS: Is the fact that you are involved on a daily basis in studying a
subject and learning about it, is that going to put you in a position to
not be able to understand where this information fits in the larger
picture? There is always a concern that you can buy into an idea and
begin to ignore reality. All right. But that is definitely going to get
obvious in a very, very short order of time because people are
replicating studies and moving forward very quickly in this field.

What is important is clearly that information that is presented by one
group be replicated by another group, and information extended. And this
is the case with our finding concerning bisphenyl-A that we only
published one year ago, where we said that this is a chemical that
operates at very, very low doses and can have profound effects that were
not predicted based on the way chemical testing was done. And in the
last six months, two other studies from major independent laboratories
have come to exactly the same conclusion. Now, all of a sudden, it is
not just me anymore. And that is the kind of information that wins over
the scientific community. Now we are up to three independent
replications coming to the same conclusion.

The question I have is: who is looking at that series of replications
and saying, "I still don't believe that anything can happen"? Because
the scientific process says that as replications occur, the degree of
confidence goes up dramatically. And so I would say they may just not be
aware that the replications occurred. Because if they were aware of it,
I think that skepticism would decrease dramatically. How could three
studies, independent of each other... Apparently none of us knew the
other people were working with this chemical, and the outcomes are all
the same. That is very compelling. We had no agenda, with regard to
economic outcome, of finding one chemical dangerous and one chemical not

DH: You are both an advocate for this issue and a scientist. Do you see
any conflict between those two roles?

FvS: I don't see myself as an advocate for any position other than the
results of my experiments. What I am doing is, I am saying that we took
a chemical that is deemed to be safe at fifty parts per million: fifty
millionths of a gram per gram of your body weight. If you eat that much,
you are absolutely "safe". We dropped that down 25,000 times, and just
totally perturbed the whole course of fetal development. Because of
that, I say, "That concerns me." All right?

Now we did it with a whole series of chemicals. Every time we challenge
the model of "here is a safe amount, anything below that should do
nothing", we find out that the safe amount as published in the
government registry is wrong. We started giving low doses to animals,
and it was only after that that we were absolutely astonished to find
that nobody had ever done that.

I am a developmental biologist studying the effects of natural hormones
on development. I had been doing that for twenty years before I got into
this, and had no intention of actually ending up working in toxicology.
That was the farthest thought from where I was ten years ago. I have
lots of other questions in science that I am very interested in, and the
last thing I want to do with my scientific career is waste my time
working on something that ten years from now is going to be looked at as
nonsense. Why would I want to do that?

And so I have a reputation because I have conducted experiments that
were reporting new information that were thought of as controversial,
and then turned out to be replicated and extended and, in fact, are now
totally accepted. Because of the weight of evidence that has accumulated.

If you have industry throwing bricks at you, saying, "This is untrue.
This person is incompetent. This is junk science," and you are brand
new, you are vulnerable. But it is very easy not to find something. The
trick is to find that needle in the haystack. It is very easy not to
find it.

DH: I think the impression that's often put out there is that industry
is spending all this money to try to influence science and influence the
media. Their point of view is that there are also an awful lot of
groups, environmental groups, that are working with these scientists --
and they're using some of the same PR tactics that industry is. Are they
right that PR is just a necessary way that you get a message out?

FvS: I don't know of very many scientists who have actually been
involved in PR activities in an overt sense. What I have been willing to
do is sit down with reporters, just as we are right now, and I've been
willing to discuss the findings from my experiments. Now if that is
considered PR, then... I think that disseminating the information that
you have to the public is an important part of the scientific process,
as long as it's not done prematurely.

If, in fact, you go through the proper channels of publishing scientific
information and then you have industry saying this is junk science, I
think sitting down with you and explaining my research findings to you
is an appropriate part of the process of getting information out to the
public that is actually accepted by the scientific community. I've never
really thought of that as PR in some kind of marketing sense, but I
suppose it really is. I'm engaging in public relations with regard to
the research going on in my laboratory. But I'm not putting a spin on
it, I'm simply telling you what I found.

MC: Steve Safe said to us that the levels of chemicals in the
environment have all gone down.

FvS: DDT is at much lower levels in the United States today than it was
in the 1970s. Of course it's also being used all over the world, and
it's in the atmosphere. And the very current evidence is that while
levels decreased after it was banned, we're now somewhat stabilizing.
The same with PCBs.

Those two chemicals do not encompass endocrine disrupters. And we
absolutely, desperately need Congress to fund broad monitoring studies
of chemicals in the environment that are being identified as endocrine
disrupters. This is all of the components of plastics. Every four years,
one trillion pounds of plastics are made in the world. They are being
thrown away in the landfill. They are leaching these products back into
our water. No one is looking for them. So as a general statement, to say
that all endocrine disrupting chemicals are at lower levels today than
they would have been twenty years ago is just ludicrous. Because
nobody's looked. Nobody knew they were endocrine disrupting chemicals.

DH: You've said that the doses at which hormones affect the body are
extremely low. Give me an example to make me understand that.

FvS: The issue of the amount of hormone that actually causes effects is
very difficult for scientists to talk to people about because we're
dealing with numbers that are outside of the frame of reference that
anybody is going to be thinking about. We see changes, profound changes,
in the course of development of essentially the whole body of
experimental animals, and we're working with mice and rats, and we see
these changes at fifty femtograms of the hormone per milliliter of
blood. That's 0.05 trillionths of a gram of this hormone in a milliliter
of blood.

DH: And what sort of effect does it have?

FvS: We see changes in the functioning of the prostate. We see dramatic
change in the sprouting of glands within the fetal prostate. We see
changes in testicular sperm production. We see changes in the structure
of the endocrine control region in the brain, which is accompanied by
changes in sex behavior, aggression, the way these animals behave
towards infants, their whole social interaction, the way they age, the
time that they enter puberty, the age at which they cease reproduction.
It changes their entire life history, and these changes are capable of
occurring at very low levels of hormones.

I remember when we first did this and I was a post doctoral fellow, and
my advisor and I looked at the hormone levels and said, "My God, these
levels are so staggeringly small and the consequences are so immense
it's amazing." Even to biologists, it's amazing.

But what you have is the entire field of toxicology thinking of a
millionth of a gram of a hormone or a chemical as being this
staggeringly tiny amount, and to most people if I said there's only a
millionth of a gram of it here you'd say, "How can it do anything?" A
millionth of a gram of estradiol in blood is toxic. The natural hormone
is actually operating at something like a hundred million times lower
than that. So when you have a physiologist thinking of a millionth of a
gram, you have that physiologist thinking this is a toxic high dose.
When you are raised in the field of toxicology you are looking at that
from the other perspective of "My gosh, that's such a tiny dose, it
couldn't do anything."

So now what we have are two different fields coming into this issue and
looking at a dose as either staggeringly high or staggeringly low, and
it's not surprising that there is a clash occurring with regard to dose

DH: Can you again describe the results, the developmental effects in
your laboratory mice, that you are seeing with these unbelievably small
changes in hormone levels?

FvS: We published a paper just a few months ago in the "Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences" in which we experimentally elevated
estradiol levels in mouse fetuses during the period when their
reproductive organs were forming. And what we did was we experimentally
elevated estradiol by one tenth of one trillionth of a gram of estradiol
in a milliliter of blood. We estimate that we're increasing estradiol by
about one molecule of estradiol per cell in the body. Okay? The
consequence of this is that at te components of plastics. Every four
years, one trillion pounds of plastics are made in the world. They are
being thrown away in the landfill. They are leaching these products back
into our water. No one is looking for them. So as a general statement,
to say that all endocrine disrupting chemicals are at lower levels today
than they would have been twenty years ago is just ludicrous. Because
nobody's looked. Nobody knew they were endocrine disrupting chemicals.

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