Keith, yes and, no matter how far back I keep moving the ramp, it keeps making 
it. Just do what I do. 
  *Stop watching*.

          Think I may have posted this question a while back, but I'm wondering 
even more. Tonight was one of those hero-tackles-important-real-life-problem 
eps, where Clark aids a bunch of illegal Mexican immigrants. Egad! Seeing the 
righteous white man aid the poor, ignorant helpless minorities reminded me of 
'70s shows like "Six Million Dolllar Man" when they gave up cool scifi or 
espionage plots to have the hero save a bunch of orphans or something. They all 
but labelled tonight's a "Spcial Episode"! The plots are thinner than ever, the 
Clark-Lana-Lex soap opera love triangle (or quadrangle or pentagon or hexagon 
if you add Chloe, Lois, and now Jimmy Olsen) is really getting old. 

Now it appears the next few weeks will see Clark gather the future JL/Titan 
members he's met recently (Cyborg, Flash, Arrow, Aquaman) into some kind of 
fighting force??? GRoan!!!

Looking back, I think there've been several jump-off points in the last couple 
of seasons:

* Lana and Lex - okay, she's pissed at Clark keeping secrets all these years, 
so she hooks up with Lex, and is now pregnant by him??? This makes sense how? 
Lana doesn't trust Lex to go around the block without thinking he's into some 
perfidy. And silly Clark lost Lana because he didn't want to endanger her, yet 
she's always in danger around Lex, and besides, the whole freakin' town is full 
of Kryptonite mutants. Besides, Chloe kept his secret. Seems to me he'd have 
confessed all to his true love. Either way, all the goo-goo eyes and melodrama 
is done. Enough already with this overdone soap opera!

* Green Arrow - I groaned when Cyborg was introduced, and got nervous when 
Aquaman came swimming 'round. Now young stud Oliver Queen has setup shop and 
goes out each night with trick arrows to play Robin Hood. He already knows 
Clark's secret, is dating Lois, and seems to be a permanent guest star, but it 
just seems rather corny. One step away from "Birds of Prey", this is, and a 
sure sign the Clark story ideas are drying up.

* Kryptonian Legacy/Phantom Zone/Jor-El -- I've never really liked the 
increasing connection between Krypton and Earth. The way they tell it, half the 
magic and superstitions on Earth originated with Krypton, and there are 
bazillion artifacts of power on Earth from there from Indian caves to witches' 
totems. The show jumped once when it was said Jor-El visited Earth and fell in 
love with Lana's mom, again with the avatar of Jor-El increasingly running 
Clark's life. The show left orbit when Clark was sent to the Phantom Zone, and 
now must contend with several human and monster escapees from there now running 
lose on Earth. Reminds me more of DC comic pulp comic days than a well-written 
TV show. 

* Martha and Lionel Luthor - *Huge* mistake killing John Kent, as Clark--and 
the show--seem to have lost their center and gone adrift without Johnathan's 
steadying influence. Now Martha's a state senator and has feelings for Lionel, 
the one man her husband hated? I like Annette O'Toole, but something about her 
role now seems less intriguing. The family dynamic served her better, and the 
senatorial role actually gives her less screen time than before. She and Lionel 
both seem less important to stories, and frankly more boring.

* Clark -- "Smallville" jumped as soon as he graduated and decided to stay on 
the farm. The show was created to deal with young Clark and his struggles with 
his emerging powers. Now he's a grown-ass man, not a boy. Shouldn't he be about 
the famous ten-year wandering of the Earth learning about life? Seeing him 
spend all his time working the farm and pining over Lana is just getting old. 
He has all his powers, even flight (though he can't consciously access it yet). 

The focus on the young and immature Clark and gang is over. They don't want to 
drift into the actual Superman years, so that's out. And how captivating will 
it be to spend more years watching Clark do superdeeds from the shadows? I say 
end the show gracefully and let him start the wandering.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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