tdemorsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          There are now 105 members on 
SciFiNoir2. 32 new members were migrated
from the place holder I got back (our old site). Since we are all
over here, no nobody was talking over there, I thought it best if we
got together. 

Anyway, the following is an update of the old Intro everybody used to
submit. I think we should all fill it out so that we can get to know
new people and old school members can get reacquainted. It a great
way to discover others with similar interests. Post your introduction
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] On the subject line, after " An Intro
>From " type your name and city. After posting your profile, watch
how many friends you will quickly make!

1. Name: C.W. Badie
2. Location:  Chicago
3. Nickname/ Alias:  Astromancer
4. To What Speculative Fiction Character do you relate or
identify(describe the character):  Couldn't say without combining some...
5. Favorite Speculative Fiction Genres: Science Fiction, Mystery, 
Action/Suspense, some Fantasy, Political thrillers, etc...
6. Favorite Speculative Fiction TV Show (canceled shows ok): Firefly
7. Favorite Speculative Fiction Movie:  Pitch Black
8. Favorite Speculative Fiction Characters:  Too numerous to name
9. Favorite Speculative Fiction Villain: Too numerous to name
11. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a Book: Blade Runner
12. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a Superhero: Spiderman
13. Topics of importance to you:  Family, Technology, Humanity
14. Your own published works, if any: The End Of My Drought (erotica), AKIN: 
The Manhunter in The Heart of Our Community by Sachel (anthology)
15. Your web site: none
16. Your Speculative Fiction Pet Peeves:  How the worst stuff make it to the 
screen and good stuff gets ruined when put on screen...
17. Memberships in science fiction clubs:  SciFi Noir, Science Fiction, Fantasy 
and Horror Club...
18. Anything else you think is important: Yeah, but we don't have the space! LOL

Once Again, Welcome to SciFiNoir2!!!!


"Such music flow on the Fringe...and no one can resist singing to Scarlet." - 
The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
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