I sincerely hope so, though one can never judge the mind of mortal man with any 
degree of certainty. Look at FarScape and where it ended up, and "Who Wants To 
Be A Superhero" and where it *ought* to end up, IMO (in a tin can at the bottom 
of the next mortar shell fired in the War).

"Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  

I basically agree with your assessment of Jericho. While it helps me 
get my fix, The little bit I saw was not that impressive. However, 
America is extremely Xenophobic and "patriotic' with the us vs them 
thing going on. Then you have all those fundamentalist endtimers. I 
think this show fits in with that state of mind. 

anyway, do you think will help keep speculative fiction on mainstream 
network tv? Do you think Eureka and will provide scifi Channel with a 
way to provide original shows with reasonable budgets without having to 
resort to an entire reality tv line up. Will networks start deveoping 
shows for the Xenophobic fundamentalist endtimers? 


Martin wrote:
> Been toying with this one for a few days now. Still can't back "Jericho" with 
> any enthusiasm. It came off as too pedestrian for my tastes. Shoot me for 
> being hard to please...
> But I can't be, because "Heroes" and "Eureka" had me from Jump. Both are fun, 
> unpretentious, well-written and acted, and unpredictable. That's my pH tes 
> for any show. If, while watching, I can begin to predict the next lines 
> uttered or situations arising, then the writers aren't trying hard enough for 
> me, and I'm gone. "Jericho", I was quoting character lines nine minutes in. 
> Enjoy it if you like. Just don't expect me to join in.
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" wrote:
> The past decade for TV scifi has been tumultuous. With X-files we had 
> the dawn of the glorious renaissance years of scifi that feature lots of 
> risk taking and often hours and hours of relatively good tv scifi 
> viewing. Then at the turn of the century, we saw an epidemic of abrupt 
> cancellations, less scifi on the schedules, reality scifi tv, and 
> d-movie (not b-movie) dominance. just when i was about to give up as I 
> gasped for breath on scifi life support, getting my fix on DVDs and 
> syndication, Lost and Medium breathed life into the genre. The next two 
> years we saw the premier of shows with plodding, slow revealing 
> conspiracy plots. All of those shows have failed.
> I believe three shows may determine whether we at least stay off of life 
> support: Heroes, Jericho and Eureka. I think that Heroes will have 
> the most impact. Great writing, high ratings, a manic global following, 
> with universal appeal, guarantees there will be copies -- just like with 
> lost and medium. It is a winning formula for success when done right. 
> lets hope the copy cats get it right. I think Jericho is a factor 
> because many Americans are isolationists looking inward, similar to the 
> cold war days, and this fits the bill with there current mood. Again, I 
> think their will be copies if it succeeds. Finally Eureka, While Eureka 
> has a smaller following as it is a cable show, I think i remember it 
> delivered ratings, avid fans and critical acclaim. I wonder if added to 
> Battlestar and and Atlantis, scifi is rethinking the all d-movies and 
> reality tv formula. Perhaps the specter of DVD sale/rental and pay per 
> download revenue has them rethinking the profitability of those two 
> formats as exclusives sources of cost savings and revenue. Looking at 
> Painkiller Jane, Dresden Files and others scheduled shows, perhaps they 
> will plan lower budget, earth-based shows will work and keep us off of 
> life support.
> What are your thoughts on this?
> Tracey
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