I am a big Guillermo Del Torro fan.  I am extremely fond of Blade II
and Hellboy and I thought Mimic was a kick.  So I was jazzed to see
Pan's Labyrinth.  So much so, I broke one of my cardinal rules: I went
to see it at a first run theater at first run prices.  There were
several surprises.  

Somehow I didn't receive the memo informing me that the movie was in
Spanish with english subtitles. But this was not a problem as I like
reading movies.  The problem was that I went in expecting this
fantastical allegory and what I got suckered into was a brutal movie
about the Spanish civil war with very little fairy dust sprinkled on
it.  News flash: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead and I
don't give a fuss about the Spanish Civil War. 

There are wonderful scenes and set pieces in this movie but IMHO Del
Torro is much more successful melding reality into the fantastic than
he is at grafting the fantastic onto a grim past reality. 


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