Subject: The DISH Vol. 10 No 4

> Intuit's Vibe
> Deception
> By John Burl Smith
> A fiery voice thundered as an angry God spoke,
> Wake up my son!
> Edifying thoughts are being delivered on the wings of fate.
> Desperados wearing faces of angels speak
> with tongues that beguile the faithful.
> Besieged by fear and guilt,
> the intellect builds its prison.
> Not an innocent child crying in the night,
> but a thief stealthily hiding in the mind.
> A well-protected bushwhacker lies in wait
> to steal tomorrow’s joy by killing today’s promise.
> Whose face does this gnome wear but my own,
> disguising deception with good intentions,
> turning golden dreams into ash gray nightmares!
> Taught by circumstances the purity of the spirit,
> underlying greed paints life’s actual reflection.
> Given a saint’s zeal for righteousness,
> the desperate nature of men impales them on a crucifix of deception.
> Although wise beyond his years,
> self-indulgence deludes heavenly schemes
> consumed by pride’s self-adulation.
> In the end undone by self-betrayal,
> man’s prison of desire is a dark den of lust and envy.
> Convinced of the good in what he does,
> he does not see evil in his choices.
> Championing honorable causes is the claim
> to justify the means employed and victims uncounted.
> Drawn to these depths, not by an invisible hand,
> but by slavish devotion, demons command the man.
> Maybe not as profound for the world as for me,
> a prisoner in a mental dungeon,
> a captive of greed, muses,
> will humans learn the lessons of the mustard seed?

> Bit of History
> King George III (1738-1820)
> Born June 4, 1738 in London, the eldest son of Frederick, Prince of Wales,
> and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, George III became heir to the throne
> of Great Britain on the death of his grandfather, George II (1760). King
> George III's father died in 1751 and never served as king.
> Not very intelligent, George did not read until age eleven. Only twelve
> when his father died, his mother's friend, the Earl of Bute, became an
> important adviser. Bute persuaded George to end his relationship with
> Sarah Lennox, a descendent of Charles II, and arranged his marriage to
> Princess Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany on September 8,
> 1761. Of partial German ancestry also, George was devoted to his German
> princess for whom he purchased the Queen's House, the future Buckingham
> Palace. The couple had 15 children.
> On September 22, 1761, George III became the King of England. A year
> later, he arranged for Bute to become prime minister, upsetting many MPs
> who considered Bute incompetent. While Bute only stayed in office for a
> year, he remained an important influence on George's political opinions.
> While other events marked George III's reign, including the abolition of
> the slave trade (1807), he is remembered best for losing the American
> colonies and going mad. Deeply in debt from administering its vast
> territory, the costs of a series of wars with France and Spain, and loans
> given to the East India Company, the empire needed money. George III
> thought he could extract it from the colonies.
> When the colonists objected to "taxation without representation," George
> flew into a rage. To punish the upstarts for their disobedience and
> insolence, George pushed through legislation that taxed many more
> commodities, including tea, which resulted in the Boston Tea Party and the
> ensuing revolutionary war. After the successful colonial revolt, other
> colonies rebelled, embroiling the empire in one conflict or another for
> years.
> Ironically, George's strong defense of what he saw as the national
> interest made him popular in some quarters. Others criticized the conflict
> as an "unjust war" and urged the government to bring it to an end.
> George's critics pointed to official lies and deceptions and efforts by
> the monarchy to influence and manipulate members of Parliament.
> Determined to recover the royal prerogative lost by his predecessors,
> George III used bribery, coercion and patronage to quell critics. When the
> House of Commons passed the India Bill, the king warned members of the
> House of Lords that he would regard any one who voted for the bill an
> enemy. Unwilling to upset the king, the Lords rejected the measure. Men of
> mediocre talent and servile minds were hand-picked by him to serve as
> Cabinet members, acting as little more than yes-men. Some critics accused
> him of trying to reassert royal authority in an unconstitutional fashion.
> George III inherited the throne and the royal hereditary disease
> porphyria, which is caused by the insufficient production of hemoglobin.
> The disease's symptoms include photosensitivity, abdominal pain,
> wine-colored urine, paralysis, psychiatric symptoms, ending in epileptic
> convulsions, coma and death. George III's first attack occurred in 1765.
> He became progressively insane, spending his time in isolation, often kept
> in straight jackets behind bars in his private chambers at Windsor Castle.
> Debilitated in the final years of his reign, his son George, the Prince
> Regent, assumed personal rule in 1811. George III died blind, deaf and mad
> at Windsor Castle on January 29, 1820, after a reign of almost 60 years.
> (Sources: www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page111.asp,
> www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon55.html,
> www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRgeorgeIII.htm and
> www.americanrevolution.com/KingGeorge3rd.htm)
> Disgruntled wants to know: Unless something drastic happens, the US war in
> Iraq is slated for escalation beyond the introduction of more US troops.
> From all the sound and fury, the conflict could widen to include Iran and
> Syria. According to inside the Beltway chatter, it is just a matter of
> time before neo-cons/Israeli lobby convince Bush to attack Iran ostensibly
> over its nuclear ambitions. It is time for the US public to engage in a
> debate about the use of its military. Why should US citizens finance wars
> of imperialism that benefit a few multinational corporations that do not
> particularly operate in the best interest of US citizens?
> Disgruntled says: King George III was a fool. Though it was widely known
> that George III was not very intelligent, still simply due entirely to an
> accident of birth, the Hanoverian monarch was allowed to rule the mighty
> British empire. The Earl of Bute whispered in his ear and George listened
> to his Bute. His reign, replete with lies, deception and corruption, a
> failure of vast proportions, brought about the colonial empire's demise.
> Parallels between the current US president, who may carry Hanover genes,
> and George III are striking. But George W. Bush is not a king. The US is a
> republic on the brink; Congress can use impeachment and removal from
> office, to save the country and world from dangerous madmen drunk on
> power.
> Disgruntled feels: Flip-flop! Mainstream media are not paying much
> attention to the Bush flip-flop on warrantless wiretapping and purge of
> prosecutors. The Internet is abuzz with the implications of these
> deceptive developments. And, there seems to be a consensus among netters
> that the flip-flop should not close the door on the investigation and
> prosecution of official wrongdoing. Laws have been broken; there is no
> executive privilege that allows the president to flip-flop and get away
> with breaking the law, that is, if we are all held to the same standards.
> Death Throes of War
> By John Burl Smith
> Caught in the throes of war during WWII, Germany's greed consumed it. An
> agonizing struggle that split France between liberty and authoritarianism,
> the French underground became an insurgency. Parisians rose up against
> Adolf Hitler's Nazis and turned Paris into a battlefield. Fighting raged
> the length and breath of the city, and during the paroxysm thousands of
> Frenchmen died. Parisian insurgents erected barrages and fought
> house-to-house, then street-to-street against the occupiers that claimed
> to be liberators on invading their country.
> Frenchmen who rushed to support the Nazi invasion formed a government
> Frenchmen called Vichy. Lock-step with Hitler in the glory days, they
> robbed France to feed the German war machine. Enduring harsh occupation,
> the French branded the Vichy "collaborators" and gave them no quarter.
> Vichy officials became targets of bombs and snipers.
> The Nazis considered the underground insurgents saboteurs and terrorists.
> The Nazis took reprisals against the French people for the actions of the
> insurgency. Rather than turn against the underground, the French praised
> its fighters as heroes, true patriots for defending and rescuing their
> nation from the grip of totalitarianism.
> Wars are far easier to start than to win. Extricating themselves,
> conquerors and liberators alike learn from such misadventures that people
> do not willingly accept from outsiders, what they endure willingly under a
> local "Attila." This fact has been lost on the United States (US) time and
> again. Trapped in Iraq, the same "throes of war" as in Viet Nam, the US
> learned nothing from the French. Given France to control after WWII ended,
> the French sank millions of dollars and thousands of lives into Indo-China
> (Viet Nam) and Algeria, chasing dreams of empire.
> Following a decade dominating Afghanistan, the Soviet Union found itself
> locked in the "throes of war." Once a mighty superpower that rivaled the
> US for world hegemony, propping up a puppet regime, their hopes of empire
> broke an iron grip on millions of lives. Observers watched the economic
> wealth of Russia disappear down the bottomless pit of occupation. No one
> understood why the Russians would not simply leave Afghanistan, rather
> than sacrifice their nation on the altar of greed.
> Civil wars are internal fires that burn themselves out, if external fuel
> suppliers don't energize a wider conflagration. Whether the US in Iraq,
> the Nazis in France, Italy in Libya and Ethiopia, France and the US in
> Viet Nam, Israel in Palestine, the US in Iran or the Soviets in
> Afghanistan, people will only suffer occupation so long. A superpower
> bogged down in quagmires, like civil wars, hemorrhage to death. George
> Bush, a Texas oil wildcatter, is sinking the entire US treasury in a dry
> hole drilling for "democracy" in Iraq.
> Convinced no effort to get control of world oil resources is a bad deal,
> Bush, the wildcatter or mad-hatter, just finds another bankroll and keeps
> drilling. (For the first time in its history, the US is fighting a war on
> credit.) As in the oil business, stockholders pay the bills whenever they
> come due. Problem is, US taxpayers are the stockholders and they are
> calling in Bush's markers. The US public has seem enough dry holes
> "spreading democracy" to last several lifetimes. It is a pipe-dream, and
> doing it again with people steeped in tribalism makes no sense.
> Overwhelmingly, US citizens want the pipeline shut off.
> When the French fought the Nazis and kicked them out of France, the world
> heralded their stand as heroic. Today, the Iraqi people are fighting
> invaders and occupiers -- the same kind of people the French fought -- but
> Iraqi insurgents are called "terrorists" even though they are fighting to
> take their country from a puppet government.
> Politics Y2K7
> Clash of the Elites
> By John Walsh
> A titanic power struggle is being waged within the policy elite or power
> elite, or more simply the U.S. ruling class. The clash is taking place
> over the war on Iraq, U.S. policy toward Israel -- and ultimately over the
> best way to run the U.S. empire.
> The war on Iraq is shaping up as such a disaster for the empire that it
> can no longer be tolerated by our rulers in its present form. The struggle
> is as plain as the nose on your face; nevertheless it draws little
> comment. One reason is that we are taught to view matters political
> through the prism of Democrat versus Republican, whereas this struggle
> among our rulers cuts across party lines.
> On the "Left," few so much as allude to this internecine war, much less
> use it to good effect. This is apparently due to a very rigid, very
> dogmatic view of how empires function, indeed how they "must" function,
> and due to a fear of being labeled anti-semitic and thus running afoul of
> the Israeli Lobby. In many cases this silence reflects an actual sympathy
> among "liberals" for neocon foreign policy, either out of a latter day
> do-gooder version of the White Man's Burden, or an attachment to Israel.
> This struggle is in no way hidden and definitely not a secret conspiracy.
> It is out in the open, as it must be, since it is in great part a battle
> for the hearts and minds of the American public. This fact makes the
> absence of commentary about it all the more chilling. The fight among our
> rulers sets the neocons against other very important elements in the
> establishment: the senior officer corps, represented by Jack Murtha and
> Colin Powell; the old money like Ned Lamont; the oil men, like James Baker
> (With Baker against the war, how then can oil be the only reason for the
> war?); those who want to see the American imperium run effectively, like
> Lee Hamilton and Robert Gates of the Iraq Study Group; many in the CIA,
> both active duty and retired; policy makers like Zbigniew Brzezinski who
> has long opposed the war which he has ascribed to the influence of certain
> "ethnic" groups; and even former presidents Gerald Ford who kept his mouth
> shut and Jimmy Carter who has not and whose frustration with Israel and
> the neocons is all too clear in his book "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid."
> Influential voices tied to the ruling circles include some writers for the
> militantly anti-war publication of the Old Right, The American
> Conservative.
> On the other side are the neocons, based in the Washington "Think" Tanks,
> in the civilian leadership of the pre-Gates Pentagon, in Dick Cheney's
> office, in large parts of both parties in Congress, and in the editorial
> and op-ed pages of the print media. Most of the House and much of the
> Senate is still under the control of the neocons thanks to the
> fund-raising exertions and threats from AIPAC and its minions. Hence, the
> most powerful political allies of the neocons are the leading Democrats,
> who indulge in the most intense and shallow anti-Bush rhetoric but are
> reliable allies in the neocon crusades in the Middle East. (Source: Read
> the entire essay at www.counterpunch.org/walsh01052007.html. John V. Walsh
> can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Mailbox: E-Mails, Faxes and Telephone Calls
> Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is no "war" between Israel and
> Palestine. Only terrorism, "targeted assassinations," illegal
> imprisonment, apartheid, impoverishment, disenfranchisement, land theft,
> withholding of government funds, destruction of infrastructure,
> starvation, destruction of farmlands, robbing of livelihoods, etc. All
> financed by US taxpayers by way of AIPAC and Israeli-first neo-con foreign
> policy.
> Email www.americanprogress.org Bush announces nomination of next
> ambassador to Afghanistan...George W. Bush plans to nominate the current
> U.S. ambassador to Colombia to become ambassador in Afghanistan. If
> confirmed, William Wood would leave a job as ambassador to a country where
> drugs are a major worry for another in which narcotics are considered a
> top problem. Colombia is the world's largest cocaine producer and is
> believed to be the source of 90 percent of the cocaine consumed in the
> United States. Opium production in Afghanistan last year rose 49 percent,
> enough to make about 670 tons of heroin. That is more than 90 percent of
> the world's supply and more than the world's addicts consume in a year.
> Email www.uruknet.info George W. Bush: A Symptom of Disease...By Charles
> Sullivan...Our imperial leader, an impish little man with clear
> sociopathic symptoms, is incapable of empathy for the struggles of the
> common people, as those born into wealth and privilege often are. The man
> with his finger on the nuclear detonator is mentally ill, a fact that
> should terrify every world citizen.

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