Thanks for posting this article and your rant. Both were an 
interesting read. I agree with another poster's comment that this is 
yet another item to add to the list of articles of impeachment.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is so sad, I don't have the words. The disgust I feel turns my 
stomach. That damn criminally incompetent administration is spending 
hundreds of billions of dollars trying to keep Iraq from the fires of 
chaos it unleashed, costing the lives of thousands of soldiers and 
civilians, all the while telling us that doing so will keep America 
safe. Meanwhile, their own citizens are living in what might as well 
be a third-world country in their own back yard. That the citizens of 
New Orleans are arming themselves as if under siege is inexecusable! 
But what the hell else can you expect from a "leader" who didn't 
mention New Orleans once in his State of the Union, but who famously 
said, "You're doing a good job, Brownie", and, (Circling the Katrina-
devastated city from the safety of his plane) "As bad as things look 
from up here, I bet it's twice as bad down there".  
> And this is an administration guided by Christ's principles? 
Doesn't that include loving your neighbour and helping him when he's 
in need?
> *********************************************
> New Orleans Residents Arming Themselves
> By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer
> NEW ORLEANS - Sixty-four-year-old Vivian Westerman rode out 
Hurricane Katrina in her 19th-century house. So terrible was the 
experience that she wanted two things before the 2006 season arrived: 
a backup power source and a gun. "I got a 6,000-watt generator and 
the cutest little Smith & Wesson, snub-nose .38 you ever saw," she 
boasted. "I've never been more confident." People across New Orleans 
are arming themselves _ not only against the possibility of another 
storm bringing anarchy, but against the violence that has engulfed 
the metropolitan area in the 19 months since Katrina, making New 
Orleans the nation's murder capital.


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