Justine is just the tip of the iceberg.  Don't get me started on my Judge

Yeah, the time travel plot device was overused and predictible. I did
enjoy the Enterprise T'Pol/Archer short-term memory problem episode.  That
was an outstanding exception.

James Landrith
cell: 703-593-2065 * fax: 760-875-8547
AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
MSN and Yahoo! Messenger: jlandrith
Taking the Gloves Off - http://www.jameslandrith.com
The Multiracial Activist - http://www.multiracial.com
The Abolitionist Examiner - http://www.multiracial.com/abolitionist/

> You're the first person I've heard of crushing on Justine Bateman!  :)
> One reason I got so sick of Enterprise and aspects of Voyager was perhaps
> the main plot device B&B overused--time travel! Man, I've literally lost
> count of how often they used time travel in all the series to tell a
> story, then reverse everything. Some were really good--"Yesterday's
> Enterprise" (TNG), "Trials and Tribbleations" (DS9), the "Enterprise"
> where Archer lost his memory and had to be told by T'Pol each day how
> Earth was destroyed. But in the main time travel was so overused it became
> sickening.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: James Landrith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I thoroughly enjoyed DS9 in syndication. I was on active duty when it
>> began its
>> run and hardly watched TV then. It was nice to see an ST series that
>> didn't
>> have the obligatory holodeck scene every episode or an undisciplined,
>> out of
>> control crew lost in space, or a desperate problem routinely solved
>> through
>> "reversing the polarity."
>> Couldn't stand the damned v-word show. Liked TNG. Loved DS9.
>> Great casting. Lots of new characters and familiar faces. Hawk from
>> Spenser -
>> running a space station? Awesome! Rene Auberjonis as a shape-shifting
>> security
>> officer? Plus, Terry Farrell reminded me of Justine Bateman - who I used
>> crush
>> on back in the day. :)
>> That was some damn fine television.
>> ___
>> James A. Landrith, Jr.
>> 703-593-2065 cell
>> 760-875-8547 fax
>> http://www.jameslandrith.com
>> ..... Original Message .......
>> On Wed, 16 May 2007 19:51:26 +0000 wrote:
>> >Yeah, as evidenced by the fact which bothered me from day one of DS9:
>> Sisko was
>> the *only* star of any Trek series who didn't come in as a captain. What
>> was
>> that about? I hear you and agree. I know from stuff I've read on the Net
>> and
>> even conversations in comic shops, DS9 isn't really appreciated.
>> >
>> >What's really sad, Tracey? DS9 had the best balance of all the things
>> that made
>> Trek what it was: aliens, futuristic tech, action, drama, fully realized
>> characters, and humour. I loved TNG--still do--but it was lacking in
>> humorous,
>> light-hearted shows. Between Quark, Bashir, and O'Brien, DS9 had a
>> goodly
>> number of funny shows, especially during the Dominion War, when the
>> humour broke
>> up the heavy drama. Voyager had lots of aliens, and the Doctor was
>> funny, but
>> the characters weren't really realized. Janeway and Seven ultimately got
>> all the
>> best scripts, with B'Lana Torres and the Doctor getting the leftovers.
>> DS9
>> managed to develop everyone in that cast over seven years--even people
>> like Jake
>> and Rom--so that all had grown. Enterprise had the tension of the Xindi
>> thing,
>> but the Dominion War trumps it easily.
>> >
>> >And everywhere I turn now, people pat themselves on the back by saying
>> the new
>> Battlestar Galactica is the best scifi series ever on American TV. I
>> love BSG,
>> but I have to say that overall DS9 is better due to its more balanced
>> flow.
>> Great shows both--along with B5--but when it comes to thinking about
>> what series
>> I could watch over and over again decades in the future without getting
>> tired of
>> it, DS9 beats BSG.
>> >
>> > And again, it seems so few of those people realize that Ronald Moore
>> worked on
>> DS9 before BSG...
>> >
>> >-------------- Original message --------------
>> >From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
>> >Let me just say it. Most of America never wanted and never liked a
>> Black
>> >captain staring in the Star Trek universe. From day one Deep Space nine
>> >has been the step-child of the Franchise.
>> >
>> >Tracey
>> >
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >> Not sure if this particular piece on the next "Trek" film was already
>> posted.
>> I find it interesting they say it won't be a prequel, but a "reimaging".
>> (Lord--the last reimaged movie I saw was Tim Burton's laughable "Planet
>> of the
>> Apes"! Gotta be better than that!). I also note that just about every
>> writer,
>> director, and producer I read references The Next Generation as the
>> standard
>> Trek of the modern era. I get it that TNG had lots of action, a starship
>> as
>> base, and great characters. It's probably overall the most easily
>> accessible
>> Trek show to casual fans and non-fans. Still, it bothers me that the
>> best
>> overall *written* show is almost never discussed: Deep Space Nine. How
>> many
>> people realize that the much-heralded new Battlestar Galactica series'
>> Ronald
>> Moore found his footing on DS9 with the stories of the Prophets and the
>> Dominon
>> War?
>> >> the more I see how DS9 is almost always overlooked, the more I
>> realize a
>> dream of a movie based on the best of the Trek series is a long shot at
>> best...
>> >>
>> >> *****************
>> >> http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1554046/story.jhtml
>> >> 'Star Trek' Writers Talk Direction, Technobabble — But Not Matt
>> Damon
>> >> 'With this one we're going for the broad audience to bring people
>> into "Trek"
>> for the first time,' Roberto Orci says.
>> >> By Josh Horowitz
>> >> If Batman and Superman can be reborn, why not Captain Kirk and Mr.
>> Spock? On
>> Christmas Day 2008, the storied "Star Trek" franchise will begin anew on
>> the big
>> screen, and its creators are almost as ecstatic as the series' famously
>> obsessive fans.
>> >> "We just got the green light! We have a release date and everything,"
>> said
>> Alex Kurtzman, co-screenwriter of the eagerly anticipated new "Trek"
>> adventure.
>> Kurtzman and collaborator Roberto Orci, who are also executive producers
>> of the
>> project — and veterans of "Transformers" and "Mission: Impossible III"
>> —
>> spoke exclusively to
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