They told me in Catholic preschool that I always needed to have hope...

Seriously, I went for no other reason than to know how bad movies are done. 
When the first one loomed on the horizon, I knew that horrible things were 

Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Okay, you  
had me on 1 and 2, but as for 3,  I have to  ask...what  
 were you going to these movies expecting, exactly? The fine acting  
 talents of Michael Chiklis and Jessica Alba?  I submit that you went  
 to see the suits, Ben Grimm, and Fantasticar, just like the rest of  
 us. The first one was rated PG and the second, PG-13. I'd actually  
 say that  Silver Surfer was better than Spider Man 3. Not Spider Man  
 2, mind you, hard to  beat that, but I think, better than 3.
 On Jun 27, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Martin wrote:
 > I myself can think of three.
 > 1) The War on Terror (reg., TM, copy.)
 > 2) the lack of affordable health care for all
 > 3) the fact that both FF movies sucked bilge water.
 > The Village Idiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sometimes it seems we  
 > Black folks just love to get upset for no good reason.
 > Angelina Jolie is an ACTRESS. Acting is all about playing roles,  
 > sometimes
 > very different from who you are (whether it's Tyler Perry playing a  
 > woman,
 > or Angelina Jolie playing a person of mixed race background).
 > There's got to be better things for people to get upset over than  
 > this.
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From:  
 > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 > Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 1:20 PM
 > To:
 > Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Jolie Playing Pearl angers some Blacks
 > Big conversations on an e-mail chain I'm on, and I suspect, around the
 > country, about Jolie playing Mrs. Pearl. I'd never seen Mrs. Pearl  
 > before I
 > saw her on Charlie Rose the other night, and was surprised to see  
 > obvious
 > African heritage in her. Then I finally saw a picture of Jolie as Mrs.
 > Pearl, and was surprised to see she had on makeup to darken her  
 > skin. Lots
 > of Sisters are upset, others say that Mrs. Pearl is *not* majority  
 > Black,
 > and has a right to choose whomever she wants to portray her. Pearl  
 > was going
 > for the soul of the actress, not her skin, is the idea.
 > What do you think? Is this an issue at all, or a non-issue?
 > ***********************************
 > Angelina Jolie is a fair skinned white woman with blue/gray eyes  
 > but in a
 > Mighty Heart she is playing an Afro Cuban/Dutch woman, a  
 > transformation
 > eased with a wig, dark brown contact lenses and her make-up artist.  
 > The
 > cross-racial casting left some upset, with criticisms ranging from,  
 > "It rubs
 > me wrong" to it being a "new generation of Hollywood in blackface".
 > Most don't know that Mariane wanted Angelina to play her, asked her
 > personally, and the two have become good friends. The  
 > HuffingtonPost was 1
 > of 6 outlets at a 20-minute round table with the actress, and  
 > asked, "Were
 > you nervous playing someone multiracial?" Angelina fixed her eyes,  
 > fiddled
 > with the $15,000 Cartier watch on her wrist, and answered:
 > "The idea is, if you ask Mariane, because she did address that, and  
 > if you
 > did actually want to find somebody that was her exact makeup, she's  
 > actually
 > majority Dutch, and she's as black as she is Chinese, and she's  
 > Cuban, and
 > she's French. So, it could have gone to many different racial  
 > backgrounds,
 > probably, if you went technical on it. And that, you know, is a  
 > reality. At
 > the same time, to her, the importance was the essence of her  
 > spiritually,
 > and I think that was what mattered and I think that is a question  
 > to ask
 > her. But no, if you break down the DNA, it's very complex.
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
 > will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
 > "A Man Without A Country"
 > ---------------------------------
 > Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your  
 > story.
 > Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 
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