That's been batted around on the BG boards, particularly by non-fans outside 
the US. A couple also say that Ron Moore lifted almost whole an anime series to 
build the basis for BG. Can't remember the title of it. I'll chase it down 
tomorrow, I promise. I'm just about to crash.

drcsaid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Is it me or 
does the "12 Cyclon" mystique remind me of "The Twelve" 
 most powerful mutants listed by Apocalypse in Marvel Comics? I don't 
 watch Battlestar Galactica so I don't know if there is a similarity in 

"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 
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